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GWR 4 wheel brake 3rd - Nearly ready for paint



A few productive evenings has the coach up to the point of paint (nearly!)


just got the gas control gear to add to the non-step end and that's about it until it's painted. I hope to get to the Derby Show to pick up some paint, so progress will halt at this point for a few weeks. I'd better get on with the layout :lol:






I've added the luggage racks but as yet have not raided my wife's wardrobe for some "mesh" as alluded to in the instructions! Some cheap seated figures are on their way from China via eBay to populate this and the S9 all third so the roof will not be fixed down for a while yet.


So, finish the end detailing and get some primer on then ......

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  • RMweb Gold

Beautiful and neat work. Those lugage racks are quite something. I must resist the urge to go 7mm :-)

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  • RMweb Gold

Compliments indeed from a top modeller :) The racks are VERY fiddly even in 7mm, Kenton won't approve but I superglued them together though!


Still on the lookout for some fine mesh for the netting

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  • RMweb Gold

About mesh, I was looking for something simlar a while ago, although I haven't actually bought any yet. I read on the P4 society webpage that Eduard meshes are some of the finest you can get.


I haven't seen them but there are some photos here: http://www.eduard.com/store/Eduard/Mesh-gauze-Hexagonal.html?listtype=search&searchparam=mesh


There is a UK supplier here:



I can't work out the mesh sizes exactly though.


Scalelink have some but they are expensive and I think 0.75mm might be too large even for 7mm?


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How about using something totally different like stockings or bandage.

If they have the right size you can try to make them stiff and give them the right color.

I don't know of what material they were made in GWR coaches but in the Netherlands those old coaches had luggage racks from textile materials (rope?)

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