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517 Build



Everyone seems to build a 517 so here is my attempt. Firstly, let me say this is my first ever attempt at this kind of thing so its been a steep learning curve.


MikeOxon has already covered a great deal in the conversion of a 14xx to 517 in his blog - so I won't repeat much of what he has said.



However, I did choose a slightly different route. I wanted a model with the earlier bunker. When looking at this the small relative size of the 517 to the 14xx became apparent. So I choose to (a) use a shortened 14xx body and (a high-level chassis shortened to the correct length.


For the body this meant a lot of cutting including shortening of the smokebox and making a bunker. The chassis needed chopping as well. In the end its slightly too long but is much closer to the 517 than the 14xx.


So here it is in its present state. The body is of course not finished and some parts are simply placed. The chassis needs completion as well. Its just being fit tested to check there are no issues.




All comments welcome - as I said its my first effort. I didn't think it too bad until I saw the picture!!!

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Thank you for mentioning my rather basic '517' conversion - it was also my own first attempt at 'converting' a model from one class to another! 


After writing my blog post, I also started a forum thread that may be of interest, in which the variations within this extensive class are discussed - see http://www.rmweb.co.uk/community/index.php?/topic/92797-george-armstrongs-masterpiece/&do=findComment&comment=1668654


Your real problems begin when you want to allocate a number to your engine, since almost each individual seems to have its own combination of features - bunker, cab, firebox, etc. :)

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Thanks for the reference Mike. I had forgotten about this part of your blog, I found it very useful.


Numbering is certainly an issue....I have been looking at the RCTS book and at this stage I still think I have one or two options but now I need a photo!



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  • RMweb Gold

That's a nice rendition of the earlier bunker. Not an easy shape to do. I do like this type of approach, mixing and modifying to get what you want.


Incidentally, I recently came across the various 517 body versions by Stafford Road Model Works on Shapeways (no connection). They have a roundtopped firebox version which I'm considering having a go at, as a replacement option for my Belpaire firebox version. It's a little too long it seems, being designed to fit the Hornby 14xx: http://www.shapeways.com/product/5PQGP9VS2/gwr-517-body-open-cab-round-firebox?optionId=57747883

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Thanks Mikkel, the bunker is awkward. I initially tried to bend it in hot water but that failed and I made it in pieces.


To be honest I stole the mix and match idea off of you and MikeOxon. So its all your fault :-)


Thanks for the link- I like the idea of a non-belpaire version!

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Thanks Mikkel, the bunker is awkward. I initially tried to bend it in hot water but that failed and I made it in pieces.


To be honest I stole the mix and match idea off of you and MikeOxon. So its all your fault :-)


Thanks for the link- I like the idea of a non-belpaire version!

That sort of theft is very welcome - always pleased to have been helpful :)


I find that brass (or nickel silver) sheet is much easier for making shapes like your bunker.  For some reason, many people are afraid of metal sheet but, for many jobs, I prefer it to plasticard.  If soldering puts you off, then superglue is very effective, providing you clean the surfaces thoroughly and allow plenty of time for the stuff to set really hard.


Like you, I want a round-topped firebox, since my model is really an anachronism on my layout.  When my ridiculous to-do list permits, I intend to re-re-build mine to an earlier style, though it will probably involve a completely new (brass tube) boiler/firebox/smokebox assembly - by which time it might be easier to have a whole new body!

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Hi Mike - I can't tell you how much an inspiration you and Mikkel have been. To be honest without seeing your work I would never have tried anything like this.


You are right I am rather scared of metal! What thickness sheet do you normally work with? I am not too bad at soldering and doing the High Level Chassis for the 517 has taught me a lot.


Look forward to seeing your rebuild....by then there should be little left of the original!

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My approach to brass loco construction was very 'suck it and see'.  I found that 10 thou (0.25 mm) sheet had a good compromise between strength and 'foldability'. 


I also realise how much I have learned, and absorbed, from various books, and should mention, in particular, Iain Rice's

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Thanks Mike - I will give it a go after I have completed the 517...and the 2721 conversion...oh and the Dean Goods......

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