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Mitchell Manor pt5

The Fatadder


Picking up where I left off the first task on the list was to get the cab roof fitted. I starting off with the beading around the edge, slowly soldering into position as it was formed to shape.


The rear roof support was soldered in place between the cab sides, before fitting the roof etch into position.


the next step was to add the box onto which the screw reversed fits, it would have been easier to fit this before adding the roof.


This was followed by the cab handrails (both on the cab sides and the ends, and fabricating the reverser cover (good practice for forming the curves on the firebox.



with this in place the reverser leaver was next on the hit list, soldering the parts together off model before soldering into place. 




The next task involves adding the sandbox covers and snifter valves, (I don’t know what the latter does but it’s a great name!). This means identifying the castings, a tricky task when there are no photos (just a list of names) and I am missing a good number of parts....)


the above photo shows what I do have (including a PDK chimney) and what appears to be the brass master for the steam pipes)

This selection (bar the chimney) was the last bits that Malcom had available when he cleared out his 4mm scale bits.  I always ment to do a cross check against the list and contact Dave Geen to buy spares but of course left it too late. 


I am now now trying to work out what is missing to place an order with Brassmasters for the Finney equivalents...


Today’s aim is to finish the footplate details and build a firebox.

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