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The Trackwork IS for Turning



Some trackwork finally!


The handbuilt turnout section has been wired and fixed down along with the conveyor pit and associated road. Last night I got the tortuous looping curve section bonded down and started to look at the Peco Y that joins up to the boxfile. Slight deviation from the Templot plan for the curve as I had to straighten out the turnout exit to allow the Farish 0-6-0 chassis to run through. The road through the conveyor pit was always just a temporary placeholder as when I did the plan I had no real idea how the conveyor was going to sit ;)




As you can see, the Y is wired but not fixed down yet. I have modified both Y's removing the overcentre spring and adding a frog feed wire as relying on blade contact to power the frog as designed was not going to be reliable enough for me. The frog for the fixed crossing where the NG leaves the complex leading up to the Y will also be switched by the Y motor. So once the route is set from Y through to dual gauge section all will be good. For the Standard gauge track that leads onto the boxfile the Y will have to be reversed. This may change as I'm closely following developments at MERG where a new frog juicer design is evolving. If this is suitable I'll try it for the fixed crossing.


Track is stuck down with runny Loctite Superglue, cured with Deluxe Materials Rocket Blaster cyano accelerator. Pin track in place, which is easy with 6mm of foam core underneath, flow the cyano around the sleepers, allowing it to flow underneath, then a quick zap with the Blaster, job done :)


Getting closer to the point where the boxfile gets permanently stuck in position ......


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