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Action Stations...

Paul Robertson


I'm onto the second to last scratchbuilt building for this layout. This is the station building itself which as mentioned previously I have wanted to build in the art deco style. Some examples I like are as follows:



(Surbiton station) 



(DE la Warr Pavilion) 


Firstly I completed the platform to give me a base to build up from:



(supports put in place behind the Peco edging) 



(Thin balsa sheet laid on top of the structure) 


I then started to construct the canopy out of 3mm ply and checked to get the height right. 



(initial trial of the platform canopy) 



(and from the other direction) 


I then started to cut out windows and walls from thin balsa for the waiting room and platform offices



(platform wall stuck in place) 


Need to finish off the other walls and then there will be a second level with the canopy acting as a viewing platform for a restaurant/cafe for passengers awaiting their ferry. 


Thanks for reading

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In my own plans I have a traditional station building but then an art deco ferry terminal. How do your miniature passengers reach the ferry from your station? Will you show a link/footbridge, or will this be off scene futher along your ship?

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