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Making waves...

Paul Robertson


It's been a little while since I last posted. I've been concentrating on getting the sea finished. Eventually after 48hrs the PVA dried. Now for the fun part of tacky glue and making some wavy texture. 



(Dock ready for texturing) 


Put an angle on it to make it look like the breeze is blowing across the Dock. The glue holds its shape pretty well and with the aid of a cocktail stick I could get rid of the bubbly bits and make it more wavy. I did two treatments of this to infill between rows. 




(second row complete and left to dry) 


I was pretty pleased with the end result when it had dried



(final texture result) 


I also wanted some seaweed attached to the edge of the Dock and piles so using the tacky glue fixed some medium flock around the edge of the water. 



(flock stock round base of Dock) 


This flock was then painted dark brown to replicate seaweed. A few flecks of white were also painted on waves here and there to replicate breaking waves. A final layer of PVA was then splashed over everything to give it a glistening look. 



(final sea finish with seaweed bobbing in the water) 



(everything in place and cliff beginning to rise in the background) 


The cliff was causing a few issues so gave up for the day as I was beginning to lose patience with polystyrene and pva! 


Thanks for reading

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Thanks for showing the step by step for the water effects. On my Woodhey Quay layout I got as far as painting a murky browny green base water colour, and my next thought was to varnish it (spot who was raised in the 70s/80s!). Now, seeing your results with PVA and tacky glue, I think I shall follow suit! 

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6 hours ago, SteveyDee68 said:

Thanks for showing the step by step for the water effects. On my Woodhey Quay layout I got as far as painting a murky browny green base water colour, and my next thought was to varnish it (spot who was raised in the 70s/80s!). Now, seeing your results with PVA and tacky glue, I think I shall follow suit! 

Check out Kathy Millets instructional video on YouTube. Whilst my Wilko PVA took days rather than hours to dry as she stated, the rest was pretty much as her tutorial describes.


The colour is perhaps still a little blue but I wanted to capture a summers sunny day when the Dover sea is at its bluey greenest! (from the photos I've seen anyway) 


I think I'm going to have a rethink about the cliff construction and perhaps order some Noch aluminium landscaping mesh or something similar. The polystyrene is too crude and thick in places for my liking. Live and learn! 

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