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Now I'm definitely going too far



There's no doubt that I have crossed some form of line.


None what so ever...


I give you, "Yet another persons home grown DCC generator" (thingie):




What is it?  It's effectively an alternative to the DCC++ Arduino and Motor shield solution for driving your DCC trains.


It is all fresh code which has it's own selection of pro's and con's, but I am chuffed with the LCD giving a second by second summary of what is going on (as far as the Arduino can tell).  The "Lnnnn" gives the value returned by the Motor Shield for the power/load passing through the H-Brigde, "Pn" says which track is on (0-none,1=Main, 2=Programming).  "Fnn" tells you how many output bit buffers are free. "Tnnnn" indicates how many DCC packets are being transmitting per second. "Uxxxx" is the uptime of the Arduino since last restart.  The right hand side gives a brief summary of what the currently active bit buffers are doing.  In this case an engine with the DCC ID 473 is going forwards at speed 48.


Obviously the Volt & Amp meter are self explanatory.


All good fun, so far.  Plenty of testing to do .. good excuse to play trains me thinks :)


[Edit] A little film of it working here: https://photos.app.goo.gl/9Cz8GeaqVTo8fu1E7







Edited by jeff_p

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3 hours ago, Georgeconna said:

Looks Good but I have no idea what the heck it is for. #Lost


It's an open source (and hardware) alternative to buying a DCC Controller system from the likes of Hornby or Gaugemaster (other manufacturers are available).  To be fair this box is only half of the solution.  If you use this (here: https://github.com/GreyLimit/DCCGenerator ) in limited DCC++ emulation (or indeed just build yourself a DCC++ solution, see here: https://github.com/DccPlusPlus ) and use the JMRI software on a PC then you don't need to buy a commercial solution to operate DCC models and accessories on you layout.


I've also been writing an alternative to JMRI (which I call "The Fat Controller" as it's a substantial chunk of code as well as the other reason) as well as building my own handsets for the actual operation of trains, so I have a completely "open" and relatively cheap DCC solution to operate my model trains (well, train set :D ).


I started this because my wife and I had a full set of Gaugemaster kit but found it just plain fiddly to operate and spent more time trying to work out how to play trains rather than actually playing with the trains.  My thought was "there has to be something easier and simpler that doesn't place so many hurdles between us and doing what we want".  Replacing all the Gaugemaster equipment with an alternative system wasn't an option (money still doesn't grow on trees our way :mellow:) but by chance a member at our local club (Bluelightning in these parts) said "haven't you heard about DCC++ running on an Arduino?".  From there it's all grown out of all proportion.


I have Arduinos (cheap Chinese knock offs mostly) everywhere as I play around with what is possible with them (having had a long IT and programming career behind me) and have been slowly pushing the boundaries of what I can achieve with them.


I have to say that this DCC Generator box has given me the most pleasure so far.  Writing the code to generate the actual "on track" DCC signal accurately in both form and timing has been a challenge, especially on a piece of hardware running at just 16 MHz and with just 2048 BYTES of variable space.  Putting that into perspective: A modern PC is probably getting on for 200 times faster and has 2 million times more writeable memory in it than the basic Arduino Uno (yes; 2,000,000 times, that's not a mistake).


There are still ideas brewing away on the back burner, but I really need to try and spend a little time consolidating some ideas and bringing them together.


Did that help? :)



Edited by jeff_p
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