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End Of The Road - On Here



Unfortunately this site has a member, posting under at least two identities, who seriously needs to get a life, seeming to think this his private empire to rule as he pleases. He recently started contributing, unhelpfully, to a two-man discussion thread under his other persona (though blatantly him from the start), right from the off trying to goad a reaction - stalking really. When one's contributions are belittled it takes away the fun. Hope you all get through these hard time in one piece and have success with you modelling endevours. Remember, no one is right all the time. When he reports this post Mods, please delete my account. In the mean time, I've just scrambled my password so please feel free to rant away.  


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  • RMweb Gold

That's a shame!:mad:  I've enjoyed reading about your modelling.  I work on the principal that you can't please all the people all the time and when railway modelling I only need to please myself!  I've no idea who the individual is, but it certainly shows their inadequacies rather than yours.  In my experience such individuals rarely share any of their modelling projects for some reason:)


I really wouldn't give it a second thought.

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I find this site very usefull and enjoy seeing the work of other modelers. Most users are pretty cool. i any walk of life you meet the odd jerk, just ignore them. Why should it stop you doing what you enjoy?

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