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Barrow Road - Ash Disposal Pits



I have recently switched my attention to constuction of the two ash disposal pits under and adjacent to the ash plant at Barrow Road and noticed the track is not supported on the usual timber baulks. Instead, to prevent hot ash from damaging or setting fire to the timber, the Midland used 5ft cast iron panels to support the track.


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Using the these photos I calculated the the dimensions of these cast iron panels and then set about finding a suitable way of making a model. My initial idea was to make them from plasticard but quickly decided this would not produce a structure with sufficient strength to support the trackwork.

My eventual solution was to use K&S 1/4 x 1/8 section brass which I cut using a slitting disc. The webs are formed using 70 pieces of 16thou brass strip cut 2.5mm high these being soldered into the cut channel using a RSU. Here is this result.

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This section is 30cm long - I need 276cm for both pits.


For those interested - posted elsewhere by the society press officer - I will be demonstrating Bristol Barrow Road at this years Scaleforum at Leatherhead. The two boards containing the Roundhouse & Workshop will be on show together with research material. Please come and have a chat.


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  • RMweb Gold



You must have more patience than I have.:blink:


I think it will look very good when completed. keep posting photos.



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As Tay Bridge says........




Looking very smart indeed. Could you not use the one you've made as a pattern and have some cast?


Look forward to having a chat on Sunday.



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