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Bristol Barrow Road - Lawrence Hill Junction Signal Box - Update 5



I have spent most of the day painting the second coat on the four elevations of the signal box - a bit fiddly in places as there are three main colours and rather a lot of 'colour joints' which required a lot of tidying to achieve a reasonable finish. I have also painted the floor a linoleum colour and the interior white. On reflection I think the lower wood panels of the interior should be a dark brown - can anyone confirm this?


The box nameplates are particularly pleasing being laser etched by Chris of York Modelmaking - an order for the shed STOP board has just been placed. These were given a base coat of red oxide primer followed by a coat of humbrol acrylic red/crimson

. The paint was then carefully scraped off to reveal the Lawrencce Hill Junc lettering.

Here are some photos of the results.

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I shall be modelling the interior and have 45 etched levers from Masokits to assemble together with various items from the Dart Castings range for the remainder of the interior fixtures.


Now for the roof tiles..............................


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Scraping the paint off on the name board Rob has really worked well! Bit of paint has really brought life to the structure, although I did very much like it in the photographic white too, not much good for the final product though!


Looking forward to seeing the real thing on Tuesday!





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