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Bristol Barrow Road - Trackwork Update



Most of the trackwork in and around the coaling and ash plants is now ready for attaching the droppers, however my next task will be to complete the approach and four sidings, with their pits, alongside the roundhouse and workshop. I'm very pleased with the progress over the past few weeks as I have got into the swing of producing lengths of track using timbertracks sleepers as exactoscale chairs. Of course the track assembly jig I borrowed from my friend Graham has helped enormously.



















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Coming along very nicely, Robin.

Does the dead-end track between the ash handling plant and the main line end with a buffer stop? The alignment almost looks like there should be another point to re-connect it to the outside coaling road!



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Hi Dave,


The dead end track is a head shunt for the 4 sidings alongside the shed and does end in a buffer stop. Most photos I have of this area show a 16ton mineral against the buffer stop which I think they used to collect spilt coal from the coal plant.

On the subject of buffer stop do you know if anyone produces a decent kit?



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Robin, There were lots of different designs of buffer stops, so you perhaps need to determine which type(s) were used at Barrow Road. For Delph, I mistakenly thought the stops were BR standard rail-built, which were similar to GWR stops. I later realised that they were actually LNWR, which makes rather more sense! Luckily, except for the bottom of the upright members, whci at Delph were obscured by debris and vegitation, they look very similar. I used cast brass kits from Mainly trains at Watchit(?) - they use Code 75 rail and can be built to any gauge. They do the same kit in white metal. In myopinion, these stops are a bit on the low side because the buffer beam is below standard buffer height (14 mm), but they generally capture the overall impression of that type of rail built stop. You can see them in some of the photos on my blog.



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Dave, Thanks for the info and the photos on your blog. Paul cmae round the other evening and after looking at some photos of the 4 required buffers we agreed there are two types at Barrow Road. Pete Harvey PHD [ on this website ] markets one version of the buffers as a set of etched brackets to solder up to lengths of bullhead rail - on order - how convenient. The other pair I can fabricate from lengths of bull head rail - the design being paired lengths bolted to the running rail with two lengths forming the buffer stop.



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