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richard i

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Everything posted by richard i

  1. That’s why you take your time with the build, to make sure you get the scenery right. richard
  2. Having moved 38 times I can agree. Plus a suitcase which you can survive out of for a week or two and pack the kettle and toaster last and unbox first. Richard
  3. Kit vs rtr. no one will mistake this for the accurascale new class 89. It is a silver fox one. it was though less than half the price and with a bit of fiddling it make into a presentable model. one of my very limited forays into modeling post steam. in my defense it is ECML and would be seen at little Bytham. Just not in 1959. richard
  4. The reason for silence breaks cover. I needed a quick project to get my mojo back. let us assume the gcr survived and it was used to get locos to London hq to show of the latest locos. it is a silver fox kit, Lima chassis and extra bits and pieces. No one will mistake it for the rtr version, but it cost me less than half the price. now back to Atlantic chassis building. My least favorite part. Can you tell? richard
  5. Should be easy enough for a 9f, less easy for a J10 or such like. Princess Anne would be the easiest of all if anyone has had a go at building one. I have a GT3 which appeared in BRM ages ago which has easily smashed the time the real one ran for. I also have never built, but proposed locos like the crosti standard 5 and standard 2-8-2. Does that mean the model instantly was winning the moment it turned a wheel? richard
  6. But had historical holes which just meant it made no sense historically for most of the second half. richard
  7. You didn’t miss much. I watched it to the end, without my background knowledge it would have been hard to piece together the context of the scenes as it jumped between decades. Others in the family certainly struggled. A case of hype over substance in my opinion. others may disagree. richard
  8. Speaking from experience I assume? thanks one and all for the advice. richard
  9. A big step. Major components fitted together. Now whispering it quietly I think it has all been designed for p4. It has needed fettling to get this far and it looks like it needs some space made around the bogie wheels on the frame. decision time, cylinders or the small items on the body next? it certainly now feels like this loco will get finished. Something I have not always thought. richard no need to discuss the light reading behind. An occupational hazard/ necessity.
  10. We now just need the power bogie as a spare too. Nudge nudge richard
  11. Holiday project. have to travel light as need to get 5 peoples luggage and a dog plus it’s luggage in a car. able to fit tools glue and paint to make this. Tree branch free of charge off the ground. placed on the layout. It needs a driver, at some point I will need to admit there is no more space for cars or carts. They will have to become wagon loads. work on the Atlantic can slowly resume. Richard
  12. I brought a ticket last year for the late Easter holiday. I rode three times. As Easter was early this year have ridden another three times on the same ticket. I would have paid for at least 4 of those trips if the annual pass was not available. Therefore lost income. As for buying ancillaries, nothing at Whitby, Pickering has little in the shop for an enthusiast. Most places have a second hand book store full of interesting books. Goathland a cafe but there are others in town people will hit first. Tiny shop. Should hogwarts the heck out of it. Little reason to get off at Levison except walk so people walk away without stopping. IMHO. Richard
  13. Seems strange they would go to the effort of a white roof and yet leave the cab front black. richard
  14. For realism you would need to make sure sidings going straight on to the main lines have a catch point or a headshunt. i have to admit I have never understood layouts that are double most of the way but then single for a little bit. For me one or the other. However, it is your plan not mine. richard
  15. No fear of fractions, just noting that imperial measures break down into 12th 32nd or 64th so guessed that is where it came from. richard
  16. Or not far enough at the left hand end. Consistency of weather is key I have found. Prichard
  17. Looks interesting. I am guessing the 3/8th comes from when all the measurements were done in imperial. that has got the cogs whirling. thanks richard
  18. This was feeding into my thinking. It looks looks like it might get tight in there. I would like to avoid the dodge of smaller bogie wheels which I know some have used on 04s to make the front ends work. if I have to nibble the cylinders a little, it will be better than the Atlantic I did not build. thanks richard
  19. Thanks Jim, we can discuss on Monday with the model in front of us. Richard
  20. The D7 does work. I just wondered if there was a difference. 4-4-0 like to nod and that arrangement discourages it. There must be a reason many modelers copy hornbach and have swinging bogies. Many builders do not have train set curves so I was wondering aloud if there was another good reason to do it other than habit. I have got this far now. Much fettling to get it to the next stage. Mostly cleaning up solder I have messily applied. Richard
  21. Thanks. I struggle to imagine things from words, however an image can make it simple to understand. just the way my brain works. richard
  22. Opinions please option A. A spacer is put directly over the bogie centre and have the bolt go straight through that. or option B. Have a spacer further back with a swinging arm for the bogie. it is an Atlantic if that makes any difference. many thanks richard
  23. Any racing green. (brunswick green ) There are accounts from the time of drivers wandering down the lines of locos on shed looking for their allocated loco and noticing all the locos were a slightly different shade of green. I think there is a rover green. though originally it was a. Mid green . JQ mixes up a malachite green with a couple of drops of yellow added. there is the kinross paint list thread on here somewhere. hope this gives a start richard
  24. This is as much as I have managed. just one side slides back and forth. How can any professional kit builder make a profit. This has taken a fortnight to get this far. Now the other side to do. I am just hoping this is one of those stages where not much looks to happening and then it suddenly jumps forward quickly. I am willing to take the time as it is a false economy to rush as the poor running would irritate me more than the extra time taken. Apologies it is not any more exciting than this. Richard
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