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IM building a westdale coach kit o gauge good buy on e bay

anyway building it to instructions alloy body is going fine

and so is the interia but the last bit after painting is to glue

the m d f floor to the body, this idea looks messy and a

bit too perminent to me does anyone have a better idea

for attaching the floor , ive only built etched kits before.

THANKS mswjr

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I've built one of these - for a friend, I wouldn't have touched it otherwise! - in OO Gauge, and I did as follows: before soldering the ends in place, I checked how far the floor came up the ends, then marked them and epoxied 'stops' of brass bar about 1mm square or so from the scrap-box level with where the top of the floor should come.


Then when the whole thing was assembled I just let the floor 'sit' inside the coach, relying on the fact that it's a tight push-fit to stop it falling out; the stops I'd fastened at the ends prevent it from riding up; they were epoxied in place to stop them getting displaced when soldering the ends in place - a horrible job involving special flux and solder from Carrs.


A really pukka job would have involved having more substantial 'stops' and tapping them to take screws to fix the floor more firmly, but that seemed unnecessary, and by that stage I was already completely fed up with the job.


I'm glad you've enjoyed the kit; I thought the OO version was horrible!

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