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Who's going to do this first ?


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Found this great photo on Flickr by Gordon Elgar and it's a great subject for modelling and when the knockers say, wouldn't ever have been like that slap the photo infront of them


So who is going to be the first to convert their Ixion Fowler to look similar to this.


I didn't get a Fowler as it didn't fit with what I was modelling but after seeing this may be very tempted.


Link to photo by Gordon Elgar




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Although the caption says the loco was in working order, The evidence in the photo says otherwise - Dirt all over the treads and wheel flanges, no rubbing marks on the dumb buffers, cab windows completely obscured etc. And all the dirt in the general area suggests that anything left stationary at this location would start to look like this after a while. I wonder what it looks like from the other side?

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Although the caption says the loco was in working order, The evidence in the photo says otherwise - Dirt all over the treads and wheel flanges, no rubbing marks on the dumb buffers, cab windows completely obscured etc. And all the dirt in the general area suggests that anything left stationary at this location would start to look like this after a while. I wonder what it looks like from the other side?


My working experience suggests this was fairly typical for a lime works environment - wallowing around one day in a sea of mud, the following morning it might be baked on like a coat of paint!  The first gust of wind will coat any tacky surface such as buffing faces or handbrake screw with fine white dust eliminating any sign of recent use.  


As for windows, the visibility from the front windows is not particularly useful at the best of times - unlike the rears (which look to be devoid of glass) I doubt they were ever used.  Far better to lean out of the cab side and enjoy the view and fresh air  :sungum:


If the locomotive was used regularly to pull wagons under loading hoppers for example, without any clening it might quickly get into - and remain in - this state of apparent dereliction.

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