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J. Graham Mallinson


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I was deeply saddened to see an old school friend from half-a-century ago, Graham Mallinson, named as a victim of the Shoreham air display disaster. 


Although Graham couldn't be described as an active railway modeller, he was very interested in railways, and a keen photographer of them, and many modellers will have made use of one or more of his photographs at some stage in their modelling career. I understand that he had also been a volunteer on the Bluebell Railway, which he lived close to.


As with many school friendships, we gradually drifted apart with time, he went to off to work for Tannoy as an engineer and I eventually went to university. We continued to exchange Christmas cards for some years, his always based on one of his own photographs, but eventually one or other of us lost the other's address and the cards ceased. Years later, when I moved to Brighton, I realised that he lived somewhere in East Sussex, but he didn't seem to be in the phone directory, and no one that I knew knew him so that trail went cold.


We had had a good few trips out together, the last afternoon of the Westerham branch in October 1961 (not such an easy proposition in the days when one went to school on Saturdays) and the last day of the Weymouth-Portland-Easton line stand out in my memory. The former in particular because his father - my chemistry master at school - kindly gave me a lift home from Dunton Green.


RIP Graham


David Woodcock

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I was beginning to wonder who, on this forum, knew any of the people involved in this tragedy.  Many, who were out there, hoping to enjoy a perfect day.


"There, but for fortune, go you, or I".


Many thanks for posting David. 

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