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NE & Borders Workshop Wise 2015


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Its that time of year again with the annual gathering in the borderlands of the NE & Borders area group of the EM gauge society,...otherwise known as Work Shop wise.


This year the format is...the same as last year...with up to 4 quality EM & P4 layouts, up to 7 demonstrations on various subjects and a railway slide show from the Armstrong Trust courtesy of the author Dr (Dave) Dunn.


Layouts include a section of Eddie Ford's 'Blackgill' (the locoshed) and direct from EM North 'Middle Peak' featuring Graham Hudson's award winning Black Hawthorn...and the 12" radius curve of doom (no idea if it really is 12" but it looks fiendishly tight to me).


Also attending, traders including: Dave Alexander, Smart Models and Lanarkshire models...(If your bringing money, Mr Frank's now has x3 NER buffers in his range.)


...and now for the big sell.


The cakes are back as are the bacon butties (being veggie I can't vouch for the butties but Porcy Main said they were worth the 3 hours and 3 buses it took for him to get there last year...and I am only writing this on the off chance I get some free cake...seriously tho, the catering is up to the standard of the model making..


Before I forget; Saturday 10th October, 10.30am to 5pm, Stannington village hall (just off the A1) NE61 6EL, £3 entry


Other local attractions include the Northumberland County town of Morpeth (2 miles up the road) with its very own, not to be missed, cheese shop...who would have thought Northumberland produces so much cheese...


To recap, If Fancy an afternoon of railway modelling with the emphasis on finescale then leave your sarnies at home and make a day of it.


Disclaimer. I have no connection with this event apart from finding their flyer in an envelope with my name on it...and in true Reiver tradition all fighting weapons must be left in the foyer and not taken into the hall... 

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Its that time of year again with the annual gathering in the borderlands of the NE & Borders area group of the EM gauge society,...otherwise known as Work Shop wise.


This year the format is...the same as last year...with up to 4 quality EM & P4 layouts, up to 7 demonstrations on various subjects and a railway slide show from the Armstrong Trust courtesy of the author Dr (Dave) Dunn.


Doctor Dunn? :O  Is he holding a surgery as well.


...and now for the big sell.


The cakes are back as are the bacon butties (being veggie I can't vouch for the butties but Porcy Main said they were worth the 3 hours and 3 buses it took for him to get there last year...and I am only writing this on the off chance I get some free cake...seriously tho, the catering is up to the standard of the model making..

Only two busses and about and only about 2.5 hours if all goes to plan and Arriva runs on time, to schedule and turns up.

You forgot to mention that the venue is right next door to a pub.



Bacon butties are to die for.


I hope not, but on seeing how some of those from across the border scramble for the fare that might be the case.



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I'll shall do my utmost to attend - how's South Pelaw coming along Pete?




We are setting the whole thing up this weekend for the first time since completing the basic baseboard frames. Hoping it might work too since wiring has almost been completed.....front scenery is about 70% done, 2 of the three bridges finished and installed, both signal cabins done, some signals built, and been playing with lighting rigs. Fair bit of work needed on the back fiddleyards though.....

As for stock......!!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Just a bump up for this event tomorrow.

Saturday 10th October, 10.30am to 5pm, Stannington village hall (just off the A1) NE61 6EL, £3 entry.


Lanarkshire Models will be there with the latest bufferstop, LNER standard type.


Dave Franks.

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Saturday 10th October, 10.30am to 5pm, Stannington village hall (just off the A1) NE61 6EL, £3 entry.

 And all being well, a Vulcan flypast after lunch.


Now lets see what's on the shopping list-:


Whitemetal Girder Rail          Check

Whitemetal RIV 24" buffers   Check

Whitemetal RIV 18" buffers   Check

Money for bacon Butties        Check

If found return to Label          Check



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Well, due to circumstances beyond my control there is a choice of bacon butties with a Vulcan Fly bye in deepest Lincolnshire or Bacon Butties with a Vulcan fly past in rural Northumberland.

Northumberland just pips it, due to the greater probability of XH558 being directly in the overhead (depending on the wind and any conflicting traffic at Newcastle) and the chance of a chinwag with a canny Scot. (So I hope Fiona is with you.)

I'm also fortunate in that tomorrow, I don't have to experience the vagaries of the local public transport system as the third member of the triumvirate finds himself with unexpected time on his hands. He might have something to show you. Whey hey!


I suppose I better clear up this work bench and try for a couple of hours kip.


See ya the morra.  (Oh no It's later later this morning! and I haven't had my dinner from yesterday yet.)




P.s. did I mention lampposts? There must be a market for decent cast white-metal Revo lampposts.


P.p.s Edit at 04.25! Mr Axlebox. If you read this before setting off; can you bring along half a dozen bits of your 1/4" bright steel bar please. It make great toggle bars.

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That was a good day. Thanks to Keith and all for organising it and the catering was exceptional.


...and for all us dafties that stood out in the car park waiting for XH558 to fly over, it flew down the centreline of runway 07 at the airport at 13:43, 500 feet AGL so it was there, just too low to see. Bu**er. At least we weren't the only ones to miss it.






P.s. I wasn't disappointed not to see the Vulcan, but was disappointed to hear that I missed Ronnie Pickering standing out in the pub car park.

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...and for all us dafties that stood out in the car park waiting for XH558 to fly over, it flew down the centreline of runway 07 at the airport at 13:43, 500 feet AGL so it was there, just too low to see. Bu**er. At least we weren't the only ones to miss it.




Made the wrong choice then, we saw it from the paddock!

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Congratulations to Keith and the North East and Borders group for yet another first class Worksop Wise!  I ate more cake than was good for me, spent more money than I could afford, talked the hind legs off a donkey and sat mesmerized watching Dave Dunn's slide show tour of the North in the 1950s...oh and did I mention the model making going on in all 4 corners of the room...long may they continue.

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