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Need help from a MERG CBUS expert


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Our club layout is DC, but has cbus running a large number of sections and points. I think we have something like 19 nodes/cbus modules. In addition there are also custom stripboard modules in various places. We have a serious problem where some loops off the main lines which are then used to access both goods shed and engine shed are not getting any track power. The club (and MERG) member who installed it all moved away a year or two ago.


We have three control panels with push buttons for route setting and LED indicators. As far as we can see on the pc, the messages are being sent on the cbus by the control panel and as the pc can interpret them I would say they aren't corrupted. This leads me to think the issue must be downstream with the CANACC4 module as the two relay boards that seems to interface with have been checked out okay.


This is where I'm stuck, as I can't dig into the messages sent by the CANACE3 that manages the buttons on the FLiM software nor much more on the suspect CANACC4 as all I can see is what the outputs are supposed to be doing, but they aren't.


We really need some help from someone who is experienced in MERG CBUS as we don't even know the system and it is very complex.


I'm not a MERG member but had a friend post on the MERG message board asking for help, so far the only response is to contact their North East Area Group as they apparently meet at our club (I was unaware of this, and suspect the other members on our layout weren't either). That might not be any help, as just because they are MERG members doesn't make them well versed in CBUS!


I've joined MERG but my application isn't yet processed, we're getting desperate as it's been out of action for months now and though we like the route setting there's now talk of ripping it all out.


All help and ideas appreciated!

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Hi, at the time I posted this topic I was unaware of any ongoing discussions.


I now have an active membership and an email from the merg webmaster pointing me to the topic on the merg forum. I now need to wait for my forum membership to be activated to access it.



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