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Best way to remove & refit EFE Bedford TK windscreen

Robert Searle

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I need to remove the front windscreen from the EFE Bedford TK for repainting. I have tried this a couple of times and ended up with  it splitting down the middle. (then using Glue and glaze to finish the model.) 

Can anyone advise as to the best way to do this. Or should I just mask it?


Many thanks in advance.



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If you experience such difficulties removing the windscreen I would suggest masking. Depends on how full a repaint. I prefer to strip models back to the base metal so that detail is not lost under ever thicker coats of paint. Never tried any of the liquid masking products available but I know a lot of aircraft modellers swear by them. Me I just carefully mask with Tamiya Masking Tape.  

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I haven't done the Bedford model, but I have dismantled and repainted several of their bus models. The windscreens are usually clipped in, with retaining lugs at the top hooked in behind the rim, and clipped at the bottom. The trick is to unhook the backs of the clips. Again using the bus models as an example, I have successfully removed windscreens without dismantling the model by carefully inserting a thin blade (scalpel or similar) under the windscreen right where the clips are - you can usually see this as there is a prismatic effect on the plastic at those points. There are usually two clips; do one at a time and don't try to force the movement too far before releasing the second clip - that will result in breaking the screen if you do try to force it too far.

Once you have both clips free at the back, pull the bottom of the screen outwards and upwards to unhook the top tabs.

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  • 5 weeks later...

I echo all the above tips, and add that immersing the model in hot (not boiling) water for a minute or so before attempting to push the screen out makes it more pliable and less prone to cracking. Also works well for removing or refitting old, hardened rubber tyres on Dinky Toys and other diecasts.

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  • 2 months later...

I echo all the above tips, and add that immersing the model in hot (not boiling) water for a minute or so before attempting to push the screen out makes it more pliable and less prone to cracking. Also works well for removing or refitting old, hardened rubber tyres on Dinky Toys and other diecasts.

Thanks for that tip. It worked a treat!

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