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auhagen ho building kits


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I was wondering if anyone has any experience of auhagen ho building kits? I've a hankering to kit bash some of the city builings for my OO layout,but before doing so was wondering how they scale up. Faller kits generally do quite well as do a lot of the kibri and walthers kits when used in OO. however ive found vollmer to be small even for ho and thus woefully inadequate,for the 'large' city building they are intended to represent when used in oo

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Don`t really know about scaling issues but the are superb kits to put together


Thanks 40F, I've generally found that Faller and Kibri kits also go together well, even when I've "bashed" them, as opposed to the old Hornby semi-detached terrace house kits which were a bit of a nightmare, arising I think from too thin a plastic used in the parts.

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I'm pretty sure Auhagen's kist sold as H0 are properly scaled; they have a range of buildings at 1:100 they market as suitable for H0 and TT and I wouldn't imagine they'd bother with that if the H0 ones were compromised.  I've built a couple of their buildings for both H0 and TT, they seem well proportioned to me.

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