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Tower Models 1361 Tank Loco info?


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As  I  have  become  involved  with  a  7mm layout  under construction in  a limited  space  and  which  has  a  sharpish  curve   ( or  3)


Does  anyone  know  what  the  wheelbase  of  the  Tower  brass 1361 tank  loco is?  Or  what  its  minimum traversable  radius  is likely to be?

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Allow me to give a perfect Politicians answer, I don't own a Tower Pannier, and don't know the answer to your questions, but will give the answer to a different set of questions instead, in the hope you won't notice!


If the Tower 1361 is to anything like scale it will resemble closely my kitbuilt 1367, in which case wheelbase should be 77mm or thereabouts.



Mine has little side play in the rods, as the short wheelbase and outside cylinders don't allow much room, so I'm guessing that the Tower RTR isn't going to significantly differ in its abilities. The short wheelbase of the prototype, designed for sharp curves, translates into very sharp radii in model terms, it happily runs around my shelf test track.



which is very tight




So I don't think it's going to be a problem in any Industrial setting, more likely is the prospect of buffer locking, my Dapol Terrier also traverses this 50cm corner, but won't push a wagon unless it has large buffer heads, so I think that's more likely to be the limiting factor, you might need to discretely pop a thin wire behind the buffer heads, or something similar.


I know it didn't answer your question, but hope it helps a little,



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Thanks  Peter


I have  not  been involved  in  0  gauge  for  some  years  now  when  I  was  the  curves  used  were   quite  large, so no problems  occurred, good  job  really  because  the  majority of  my  locos  were  on  the  large  side!

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Well the  1361  arrived  today,  I am  happy  to  report  that  it  will run on sharp radius  curves around  3'6"  the wheel base  is  77mm


All that  remains  now  id  to digitize   and  paint  it!!

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