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Luna tram track

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there's a better system on the market, but that requires some more work during tracklaying: http://www.proto87.c...tcar-track.html (don't be fooled by the Proto designation, it's perfectly usable on a H0/00 layout)



And isn't that hard to use, this might be of interest http://www.rmweb.co.uk/community/index.php?app=blog&module=display&section=blog&blogid=172&

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  • 2 weeks later...

An easier and slightly cheaper system may be that made by Hartell, but the geometry lives a bit to be desired.


A UK firm used to do a track system similar to the Easy street stuff, but ISTR that went out of production years ago

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A UK firm used to do a track system similar to the Easy street stuff, but ISTR that went out of production years ago


PC models did the earlier etched girder rail track, quite a lot has been appearing on ebay recently. I believe 'easy street' is based on it but it is different and has been completely re enginered and not really interchangable.

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  • 3 months later...

For some track modelling wondered if you'd be interested in these prototype photos I just placed on flickr?


Long abandoned system in Santiago De Cuba, many rails stil in place. this junction to or from a side street caught my attention because of the layout to get around the corner.

Hope of interest.

Kev S

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  • 8 months later...

I have quite a bit of luna tram track which I bought when I lived in Germany - and it is very expensive. The intention was to add trams to my layout but I never got round to it, so it is all in a storage box as I'm now back in the UK. I have only ever opened one of the packs and in my opinion you need alot of patience to assemble it, although I imagine the results would be stunning.


If you want me to get the storage box out and have a look please let me know.



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  • 2 months later...

I am building a Tram layout using Luna Track.


However it is becoming almost impossible to purchase this track in the Uk as the majority of stockists who have supplied it in the past such as International Models , On Tracks , Kernow etc all seem to have stopped stocking it mainly on the grounds of cost and having capital tied up in what is a very specialist item or because of the uncertainty of availability.


The only firm I have found who intend to continue to supply is Model Masters at Weston Super Mare who say they will be ordering from the manufacturers a couple of times a year but only for items preordered by customers and then only if the customers orders are of sufficient volume to justify a bulk order being made.



I just wondered if anyone knew of other stockists ? I have checked all the UK dealers shown on the Tillig web site and all of them seem to have stopped.



Alternatively does anyone have any second hand Luna Tram Track they would be prepared to sell ?

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  • 1 month later...

I want to use Luna Tram track but to do so has required me to need an aweful lot of patience and perseverance in order to obtain sufficient quantities for constructing the layout.


Its taken me nearly two years to source sufficient track for a small tram layout from places such as ebay , other auction sites , classified ads in the magazines , odd bits shops had in their "end of line" boxes , begging from other modellers etc etc.


I now have enough for a layout , unfortunately not to do the original plan I wanted so I will have to design a plan to utilise what have managed t obtain or alternatively be prepared to carry on looking.


Designing a layout with this sort of restriction is going to be a challenge but hopefully worth it in the end.

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  • 10 months later...

I am dealing with Richard (Wheeltapper)'s modelling estate and it includes a large number of unopened luna-tram boxes of track and 'paving'.

Also motorised trams etc..

Let me know by PM of any interest.

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