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Antics Sheffield Closed


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Hi all, Went for a trip to the model shop today to find it has closed down! Anybody aware of the circumstances? As they still have plenty of shops "down south".
Trouble is now all my local/Close model shops have gone, being from Barnsley.
Modelzone in meadowhall doesn't cut the mustard and Rails of Sheffield is simply too far to commute.
Having to resort to online ordering and already I have messed up.
Ordered some fine gravel, only to find it was too fine, more like kiln sand. This wouldn't have happened if I could have visited.
Such a shame that model shops are slowly going...

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Guest bri.s

I heard it was shutting other week but don't know why

Have you tried Barnsley models and games


I'm from Barnsley and use it regular ,good shop with decent ranges in


No connection just a happy customer



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Ive actually never heard of it but shall pay it a visit now I know!
Thanks for that, Much Appreciated.
The last model shop I can remember going to in Barnsley was around 10 years ago, near the bus station. Its been gone years now.

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It has been shut for about a month now. The owner turned up and started removing stock on the monday, shut by the saturday. According to the staff, he said it didnt make enough money. If you consider the city centre rates that would have been involved, not a supprise.

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That's a real shame as I used to get a lot of my models there when I used to work at Sheffield station, as I'd call in before starting my shift. It was a good and big shop with lots of choice and a good range of everything you needed.

I don't go to Sheffield as often as I used to do, but at least Rails is a good shop in the Heeley area, and I'm sure there's others too, but at least Chesterfield has a good model shop, I was in there only this afternoon!



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I found it useful to pop into during my lunchtime. There's still Rails as mentioned, also Sheffield Transport Models and Marcway, but none are as handy to the centre. I go past WD models in Chesterfield on my way to and from work, but of course it's closed then, although they do have a good range.

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unfortunately this is happening to model shops all over, we lost a good model shop in Wakefield not that long ago and with Hornby concentrating on internet sales rather than supplying local model shops and certain other retailers with large internet sales sites attracting larger sales with multi page magazine adds the small local model shop is finding it harder to survive. I love to visit these shops as you can find some great little gems and have a friendly chat with other modellers, we have to try and keep them going.

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Indeed this is a great loss. As i'm not local (50miles from the shop), I only ever visited one friday afternoon to buy a realtrack pacer as they were the only people who seemly had stock, the young chap who served me was very polite and had time to discuss other requirements. Not sure if it's just me but I find it difficult to find model shops who give you a nice welcome these days.

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