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Following my recent post regarding poor moulding of check rails  on a Peco point causing it to derail, I fixed it mostly with a strip of brass cut and glued to the check rail. But thought that I could do better with a thinner brass strip ie 0.1mm.


Here was my downfall by using 'Milton Keynes Metals' thinking of using a local small supplier rather than a large conglomerate. This is my reply......


Dear sir, I am in receipt of my recent order, thank you. However, I am disappointed that it was given to an apprentice or a person who didn’t wish to fulfil it carefully. I had hoped that the material would have been squared and flat but I assume that your guillotine is in need of good sharpen hence the mangled edge of the cut. Furthermore, I assume that your policy of excessive charges for a flimsy wrapping in the post is intended to deter prospective buyers, well it works very well Indeed,  thank you.

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