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The 39th Midlands Model Engineering Exhibition will be taking place from the 13th to 16th October at the Warwickshire Exhibition Centre.


This event attracts over 11,000 visitors who can see nearly 100 companies and club displays in one place!  There will be over 1,000 superb models on display and a full lecture programme is presented together with workshop demonstrations.


The exhibition this year will also feature;


The Bi Centenary of Robert Stirling: A special display presented by The Stirling Engine Society to celebrate the bicentennial anniversary of Robert Stirling’s Heat Economiser.


The Spitfires 80th Anniversary: The Supermarine Spitfire prototype Spitfire K5054 first took to the skies in 1936 from Southampton Airport. To celebrate its 80th anniversary this year, David Glen will be exhibiting with us and will bring some components of his 1:5 scale Spitfire Mk IX model, including the full instrument panel, control column, pilot’s seat, tail wheel assembly, etc.


Outside, the popular 5” gauge outdoor track operated by the Coventry Society of Model Engineers and the Polly Owners Group will return along with the magnificent Fosse Way Steamers. 


The workshop and lecture programme is nearly complete and includes something for all model engineers.  We see the welcome return of Phil Abbott, Derek Brown, Keith Hale, Mike Haughton, Noel Shelley and Peter Stevenson.  We also welcome new lecturers to our programme including; Mark Brockley who will be covering Tooling and Horology, David Glen who will be explain about the construction of a museum model masterpiece of the Spitfire  and Gary Wooding who will be talking about the interesting properties of precious metals.


Why not be part of the show and enter your work? Entry is free and there are 32 classes of which 16 are competition and 16 are display.  These classes include: Locomotives, Rolling Stock, Stationary and Internal Combustion Engines.  Models still under construction can also be entered in the display classes.  A commemorative plaque and exhibitor’s certificate will be presented to every entrant, with trophies and cash prizes awarded to winners - please call the organisers for an entry form on 01926 614101 or download it from the website.


Tickets at discounted prices and all the latest exhibition information is available online at www.midlandsmodelengineering.co.uk.  #MMEE16


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