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West Country overload?


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Being from the West Country, I am always interested in books on the areas railways Over the past year I have bought five with another on the way. I love 'em all but they are getting a bit repetitive which must be easy to do. Some at more specialised; just finished Bernard Mill's "From Lostwithiel to the China Clay Lines" which makes them more interesting while others are sometimes very similar with many of the photo locales being the same place. Again with the sprawling undergrowth on todays railways there are not so many ideal locations as there were. But even in steam era pictures the subject and background remain similar.


An example by the just published Plymouth to Penzance is another version of a similar book with the same title, but I shall buy it anyway as I have always enjoyed the authors books. This one must be very similar to the John Vaughn "Cornish Railways" as there is basically only an Up and Down line, if you don't count the branches.


Still, I usually succumb to temptation and another book adds to my already overloaded shelves!



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