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I've gota a class 47, 21 pin howes sound chip and speaker to fit in to my b/new dcc ready 21 pin class 47 loco chassis but can't see any speaker points to solder the wires too??? Can anyone help?


Cheers, Jon.


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Hi Jon,

There should be a pair of brown wires coming from the decoder itself, that you route from the (mounted) decoder through to your mounted speaker, then you solder those wires to the tiny contacts on the speaker itself.

Well, that's how it was on an 8 pin decoder, not had a 21 pin to play with, sorry! I'm simply presuming the 21 pin is the same?


John E.

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Cheers fela,


Already sorted now anyway bud ;) the 21 pin decoders don't have any wires like the 8 pin version! It just took a while to find the speaker points as there usually on the other side of circuit board but these 1's on the 47 are at the far end so i didn't think to look there :blink:


Cheers, Jon.

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Guest 838rapid

If you look on the circuit board,bottom middle in the picture you have provided.


The speakers connect to the terminals SP1 and SP2


Slide the plastic clip off,feed/solder the wires there one each tab and slide the plastic cover back on if not soldering.


Job sorted


Hope this helps

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  • 1 year later...
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  • 3 weeks later...

I have just bought a Class 47, with the aforesaid box. I asked and was told it was a speaker box.


Q1. Has anyone any idea which speaker and presumably sound system, it is designed for?

Q2. Has anyone any idea how it fits in the Class 47 body?


Thanks for reading



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I have just bought a Class 47, with the aforesaid box. I asked and was told it was a speaker box.


Q1. Has anyone any idea which speaker and presumably sound system, it is designed for?

Q2. Has anyone any idea how it fits in the Class 47 body?


Thanks for reading




The speaker I have in the void in my Class 47 is this one: http://www.dckits-devideos.co.uk/shop/dcc_digital_loco_sounds/high_quality_minature_speakers_housings_specialised_enclosures_wiring_plugs_sockets_etc_/prs224_speaker_40x20x8mm_depth_4_ohms_2w.php


It just slots in the hole provided.  I would normally recommend a bass reflex speaker with enclosure, but I'm happy with how this one sounds (I have the same in my Class 25).  The bass reflex speaker to the same dimensions would be this one:



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Wow, what a rapid and detailed response.


Many thanks BR.


I assume it is simply a case of a quick solder the wires together, to attach the speaker which comes with the chosen Decoder and some heat-shrink to insulate the join.




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I assume it is simply a case of a quick solder the wires together, to attach the speaker which comes with the chosen Decoder and some heat-shrink to insulate the join.


That's it.  The decoders normally come with a (rubbish) speaker attached.  I use this to test that everything is working, then de-solder the decoder wires from it and connect them to the wires from the new speaker (or solder them to the speaker if it doesn't come with wires).  With some locos (probably all newer ones) there are speaker points on the PCB but I like to attach the speaker to the decoder. 


Check if the bass reflex speaker above will fit in the Class 47 as I've not tried it.  If you want to get both and it doesn't fit, it can be used in another loco (I'm going to use one in a Hornby Class 31 as there's not quite enough room for a larger bass reflex speaker).

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Thank you BR, for another concise and rapid answer.


I went to the Newark Show and rather liked the Sounds from DC Kits & Models, on their stand.  It might be an idea to give them a ring in the morning and see what they might have which will fit the 47.


I might even ask if they will mate the Decoder with the Speaker you recommended.   .......   :angel:




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DC Kits sell a lot of sounds by "Legomanbiffo" and he has lots of sample videos on YouTube (link on DC Kits website or search YouTube username legomanbiffo).  They also sell South West Digital.  I have Class 25, 47 and 50 Legomanbiffo decoders and can recommend them.  His real name is Ian Bishop and he is very helpful via e-mail if you need any help.  I think he's a member on here as well.  

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Ordered a Logomanbiffo, last Tuesday and they said they were busy so it would be next week at the earliest.


Honesty like that is fine by me, so was waiting for next week when it came through the door on Thursday.  That is excellent service.


I have to wait until Monday to fit it and test it.




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Wow, what service, from DC Kits [no personal or other connection, just impressed]  .....   here on Thursday, much earlier than predicted  ..  AND  ..  the Bass Reflex Speaker already soldered on.


Today I might find time to fit it into the 47   ........   :locomotive:


Spent yesterday fitting the new Power Cab to the Shunting Puzzle, which does things to the Hornby Class 08, Sound fitted ...........   but   ........   that only has sounds on Function 1-9

On the other hand Legomanbiffo has 21 [0-20]   .......    there are only 0-9 on the buttons,

Q1. Does the Power Cab allow time for 2 buttons to be pressed for the numbers 10-20?  ....   or  ....

Q2.  Have I just bought a - very nice  ...   pup ...?  .. :O




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The PowerCab can access all 29 F keys. Full instructions in the manual. 


Withthe default settings, it's not that convenient, but you can assign the Shift function to the Option button which means you just press Option once followed by the 'units' to get into the teens and Option twice then the units to get into the twenties.


eg, you want F key 15,


Press Shift (Option button) then press 5 = F15

 for F23, Option then Option again then 3



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Thank you Paul, informative and swift...  sounds like I might find that


I am off to delve into the Manual to see if I can find where it describes how to do that.


I am also going to see if I can find out how to switch on "Recall"  ..  :scratchhead:



Now - where is that Kettle  .......




[Edit - have found the Option change routine - thanks again Paul.]

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Thanks to Paul, I now have assigned the switch to 10s and 20s to the Option button.


I also have a Class 47, with Legomanbiffo sounds  ................    :sungum:


However, I also assigned a new address to the Class 47   .............   Ok so far and the Functions, motor etc seem to work fine   .........


I then placed another loco onto the tracks and ran the Class 47 [addr' 12], left it ticking over and started the engine on the other [addr' 5] and left that ticking over in it's siding.

So far, so good, 2 Locos purring their stuff........................   then.........

Selected No. 12 and Enter   .............   all the functions on it ceased, silence, but when I tried to move it, fine and the functions would reset. ???


I tried the same thing with Loco 5  ...   set it running, went to Loco 12 and set that running ....   returned to Loco 5 and it immediately shut down all Functions   ....

Same thing as for 12  ...   it would run but the functions had to be turned on again   ...


I shut the Power Cab down and restarted it but the same processes occurred on restart of the Power Cab.


I guess I have confirmed my membership of the "Clumsy Club" [elsewhere on this Forum]


Is it possible that anyone might know what I might have done?


Thank you for reading




Edit - Just tried the same sequence using an Elite Controller and there was no problem - ie. both stayed on the settings they were when last controlled.

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Not quite sure exactly how you are operating the PowerCab. IAre you switching locos correctly?


Did you put No5and No12 in the stack? This is where the cab remembers recently input loco addresses. It's automatic provided that you change to another 'slot' in the stack with the Recall button before making a fresh address entry.


Select Loco, type in number (5 or 12) and Enter.


Then press 'Recall', Select Loco, type the other number, then Enter.


Both will now be in the recall stack.


To switch between 5 and 12, just press the Recall button. No need to input the number each time. Remember that only the loco with its address displaying will answer any control inputs, the other will continue following its last instruction from you.


With late model PowerCabs, there is a possibility to employ a larger stack (6, I think). In t hat case press the Recall button until the required address appears in the display.



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If that does not help, then I suppose it's always possible that you have set something else on the PowerCab which causes this effect, though I can't say what. I'm not at home and can't check, sorry.


However, you could always reset the PowerCab to factory defaults and check it out again. If it's working OK then, assign the Shift function to the Option button again.


Good luck,



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Hi Paul,

Thank you for the reply.  I think I may have reset something, as you suggest, although I cannot think when.  I have only set the Shift allocation and tried Recal, so it is difficult to see where it may have been done.


A further clue may be the Recal button, which isn't working properly.  It would seem to be a later model Power Cab, as I read that 6 Recal slots are available.  I haven't tried the 6 slots yet, preferring to get the  two working, but a cycle through may set it better.

It didn't accept Loco addresses at all, until today and now accepted the first Loco but not the second. When I put a 3rd Loco on, it let me enter that into Recal and toggled between the 1st and 3rd, but ignored the 2nd.


I think it best to follow your advice and do a Factory Reset, then redo the Function allocation.

If it is still a problem then, it may be worth contact with the supplier.


Thanks again Paul, it is good to have assistance from experienced people like your good self.



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