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Loco's for Swanhurst - SR Steam

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My "Swanhurst" layout has been "In Progress" for some years now..... a familiar story I think! Anyway over those years I have been collecting RTR loco's that may (or may not!) be suitable for this rural backwater - situated on the Kent and East Sussex border. Swanhurst is somewhere near where the Hawkhurst Branch line may have meandered out too.......
OK I know a Schools, T9 or M7 are unlikely - but hey. It's my layout!

R1 -also unlikely!
I never owned a Hornby-Dublo R1, but having seen clips of their heroic tasks on that steep gradient at Folkestone I realised that one, or two would be a must. My plan is to build one as "standard" i.e with tall chimney, dome and cab, and another "cut-down" for the "Spratt & Winkle" line. If only I had the room for a full compliment of coaches, so I could then top and tail the train with 4 or 5 of these valiant little loco's!!
Anyway, back to reality, plastic R1 shell's are available on e-bay, so I bought a couple. All of £8 each...a bargain!

I'm not surprised that they are so cheap though.....look at the colour of the plastic!!


I'm not sure how accurate these models are, but they certainly match the drawings I had in my "Pictorial record of Loco's", well enough to satisfy me, though I'm not sure about the dome shape....

More anon, thanks for looking

Edited by clarkeeboy56
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The plastic needs a bit of bashing to knock it into reasonable shape..so out with the drill, scalpel and Dremel.


First of all the skirt, originally required to hide the original model's motor had to go...as did the moulded in sand box, moulded handrails etc., .




Then the moulded-in coal.....




...and two odd bulges either side of the safety valve, in front of the cab. I suspect these were required due to the original's bulky motor.




Thanks for looking....more anon

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With so much plastic removed, it was time to start replacing it. I used thick plastic card to form the base with plastic filler to blend in...









I had to build the front splashers up as well....




Thanks for looking , more anon..

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The plastic parts are relatively easy to manipulate, so progress on that should be fairly straight-forward (famous last words eh?!).

I need to really get my head around the chassis/motor part of this conversion though! I know that both Branchlines and South East finecast do suitable units, so I guess it's a matter of "you pays your money."......any thoughts/preferences from anyone using either products?

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Don't go for the Finecast chassis - the one under their R1 kit is the generic one they sell for kits designed to use the Hornby-Dublo 0-6-0 chassis, and the wheelbase is completely wrong for the R1. The Branchlines chassis is much more accurate. 


I used one under the Finecast body: http://www.rmweb.co.uk/community/index.php?/topic/73343-ser-r1-0-6-0t/

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Don't go for the Finecast chassis - the one under their R1 kit is the generic one they sell for kits designed to use the Hornby-Dublo 0-6-0 chassis, and the wheelbase is completely wrong for the R1. The Branchlines chassis is much more accurate. 


I used one under the Finecast body: http://www.rmweb.co.uk/community/index.php?/topic/73343-ser-r1-0-6-0t/

Many thanks Pete, I'll contact Branchlines next week, I already have a bit of a shopping list for them!





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Hi Bill


Good to see some progress on the R1 and will watch with interest.  I used a few branchlines items on mine, safety valves, clack valves and smoke box door dart and Backhead although chopped that up for the motor shaft clearance I was very satisfied with them.  I did use the SE Finecast chassis and it runs very well and although it is wrong I am still very pleased with the overall look of the loco.  How is the L1 coming on too ?


Take care and all the best


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Hi Bill


Good to see some progress on the R1 and will watch with interest.  I used a few branchlines items on mine, safety valves, clack valves and smoke box door dart and Backhead although chopped that up for the motor shaft clearance I was very satisfied with them.  I did use the SE Finecast chassis and it runs very well and although it is wrong I am still very pleased with the overall look of the loco.  How is the L1 coming on too ?


Take care and all the best



Hi Chris, how are you? I'll post a few more photo's tomorrow, I've managed a little bit more on the R1 and also on the 'cut-down' one too. Thanks for the advice on the chassis. I think I may go along with the Branchlines version, as I do need the detail parts, as you outlined above. Regarding the L1, I've purchased a new body as I'd made a few too many errors on the original. I also purchased a T9 chassis, cheap, as the motor mount had broken - a common fault, anyway I also bought a brass replacement mount from Peters spares. I sourced an 'Ashford' tender - couldn't get an N class one from Bachmann, so got one from a static model of the same. I'll be mounting that on the six wheel T9 tender chassis...it's near enough for me anyway! Again some photo's will follow.....

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The R1...I have managed to get some black paint on. I've added the chimney, steam reverser and buffers. Beginning to look like a loco I think?






Not so sure about the "cut-down" version!! The whole cab has been built in plastic card. Hopefully it will look better when painted!!





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...and the L1.


There's a long story about this somewhere on here, but briefly The L1 was the second loco I ever owned, at the age of 6 it was probably fair to say that it was my Dad's!! Anyway he took it on himself to pre-empt Tri-ang and convert it to an LMS 2P!  I had planned on using this to convert it back, but my attempts at re-building the cab failled as did the brittle plastic!

I bought a second hand body off of the internet and I screwed that up. I ruined the splashers basically so had to bite the bullet and buy another. Luckily both were resonably priced!  With regards the tender, I had tried to get hold of a Bachmann N class tender, but the only ones available were the slope-sided types. I managed to find a static model of the N-class so used the body on that, after cutting out the moulded 'coal" and lining with a plastic card ledge. The false coal will sit on top. Underneath this is a T9 six-wheeler chassis, which id DCC ready, it came with a damaged T9 chassis, the motor mount having sheared off, a common fault. Peters spares to the rescue though with a brass replacement lump! 




I've made a start on the plastic...hand rails and 'skirt' removed.




Starting to look a bit like an L1 though that front bogie will need moving forward I think? (I hasten to add though that neither the tender top nor the L1 body is fixed to either of their respective chassis at the moment!!!)

Edited by clarkeeboy56
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Hi Bill


Looking good so far and very quick too.  Great work. Love the idea of using the T9 chassis.  I used the Triang one with mine but remotored this with a Mashima 1024 motor and gearbox from SE finecast and it works a treat and only needed minimal clearancing.  This is a flying visit as I am knackered and having an early one (have been working hard all week on the loft conversion.  I was in the newsagents today looking for the latest MRJ magazine and noticed that the February edition of BackTracks magazine has an Article on the L1 with some colour images that I have not seen before (Typical now I have finished mine) and thought that this might be worth looking at.  Hope it helps.

All the best


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...and the L1.


There's a long story about this somewhere on here, but briefly The L1 was the second loco I ever owned, at the age of 6 it was probably fair to say that it was my Dad's!! Anyway he took it on himself to pre-empt Tri-ang and convert it to an LMS 2P!  I had planned on using this to convert it back, but my attempts at re-building the cab failled as did the brittle plastic!

I bought a second hand body off of the internet and I screwed that up. I ruined the splashers basically so had to bite the bullet and buy another. Luckily both were resonably priced!  With regards the tender, I had tried to get hold of a Bachmann N class tender, but the only ones available were the slope-sided types. I managed to find a static model of the N-class so used the body on that, after cutting out the moulded 'coal" and lining with a plastic card ledge. The false coal will sit on top. Underneath this is a T9 six-wheeler chassis, which id DCC ready, it came with a damaged T9 chassis, the motor mount having sheared off, a common fault. Peters spares to the rescue though with a brass replacement lump! 




I've made a start on the plastic...hand rails and 'skirt' removed.




Starting to look a bit like an L1 though that front bogie will need moving forward I think? (I hasten to add though that neither the tender top nor the L1 body is fixed to either of their respective chassis at the moment!!!)

Yes, the T9 wheelbase is 6ft 6in + 6ft 9in + 10ft 0in while the L1 is 6ft 3in + 11ft 2in + 10ft 0in.  I've been thinking of putting my old Triang L1 on a Hornby T9 chassis - thanks for showing it can be done!


Chris Knowles-Thomas 

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Hi Bill


Looking good so far and very quick too.  Great work. Love the idea of using the T9 chassis.  I used the Triang one with mine but remotored this with a Mashima 1024 motor and gearbox from SE finecast and it works a treat and only needed minimal clearancing.  This is a flying visit as I am knackered and having an early one (have been working hard all week on the loft conversion.  I was in the newsagents today looking for the latest MRJ magazine and noticed that the February edition of BackTracks magazine has an Article on the L1 with some colour images that I have not seen before (Typical now I have finished mine) and thought that this might be worth looking at.  Hope it helps.

All the best



Hi Chris, thanks for that, I'll have a look out for that BackTracks mag., next time I'm in WHS. The L1 body is only resting on the chassis. I'm not sure about the wheel clearance as I think the splashers should be a bit bigger, I'll check the photo's I do have . I'm a way off getting my L1 finished, and in all honesty the R1's as well, I'm just a bit too busy with the layout at the moment, plus it's a bit too cold in the manshed to manage any serious modelling....

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Yes, the T9 wheelbase is 6ft 6in + 6ft 9in + 10ft 0in while the L1 is 6ft 3in + 11ft 2in + 10ft 0in.  I've been thinking of putting my old Triang L1 on a Hornby T9 chassis - thanks for showing it can be done!


Chris Knowles-Thomas


Thanks Chris, I had originally intended to use a Schools chassis, I've amended the wheelbase on that accordingly. I can't claim any originality regarding matching up the L1 body and the T9 chassis though! Someone else on here, beat me to it!
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  • 3 weeks later...

Any updates on this? Excellent modelling, would love to see how the L1 is coming

Thanks Jack. No updates of late I'm afraid. I've been working on the layout and also painting some BR Mk 1 coaches.....so much to do!!


A main stumbling block is the motor to chassis connection. I have the "Peter's Spares" brass fitting, specifically for the T9 chassis, that works fine, BUT the nylon part that keeps the motor in place broke, and neither Hornby, nor anyone else it seems have these in stock! So, I need to find another way of keeping it in place. This may involve epoxy resin and wire....but we'll see!! Good news is that she does run well , up to a point anyway, so it should be up and running soon-ish.......

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  • 7 months later...

It's been a while since my last update.....BUT in that time I have been busy tinkering about with the layout and some of therolling stock and loco's.....including the L1


The chassis is from a Hornby T9, which I purchased with broken motor  mount - a common fault it seems. I managed to get a replacement brass mount from Peters Spares..(normal caveat here...no personal link to them apart from being a VERY happy customer of theirs!) .


In the photo below, I've just placed the front bogie in place. Its from a Hornby 2P but I may still use the T9 unit...the plan will be to use pick-ups on all loco and tender wheels.





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I thought I'd do something constructive for a change! My L1 will be in Malachite Green, with early British Railway titles. Tri-ang issued their original model in BR green, which was inaccurate, but I thought I'd add a splash of colour to my layout, all my other loco's are black......


A couple of L1's retained this scheme into the early 1950's, so this fits in well with the time span of "Swanhurst".


Following a clean up session...a coat or two of primer. This shows up any imperfections which can be dealt with...




Malachite Green!! Can o' worms time I reckon!  My "version" is the Humbrol Acyrlic version with a good dose of white added. I'm trying to replicate the colour as seen on Stowe, which seems to be very pale.....





And here she is as she is at the moment. The front bogie is now that off of the T9.


I'll finish painting  the tender first before committing paint to the loco!!


(looks like they're having a Thomas day!)




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I've masked off the green and added the black...photo's will follow, I'm planning ahead.......any photo's I've dug out of L1 models in Malachite Green, show the lining to be black and white, whereas photo's of other classes (including real life examples..Schools and Lord Nelson) show black and yellow .....what's correct, or are both?



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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...

A bit of an L1 update......I've been mostly faffing around with the layout lately, but I have managed to get some paint on the L1's tender. Instead of my original mix of Acrylic paint, I've now used Railmatch Malachite Green (Dull) enamel,which sprays on a treat.....I need to re-paint some of the black, i'll use yellow decal stripes for the lining. If this comes out okay I can start painting the engine body....

Incidentally the buffers are from the donor T9 model,mounted on plastic card "squares"



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Looking good! Can't wait to see it lined out, How does the railmatch malachite compare to hornbys malachite?

Thanks Jack, bit of a "senior moment" there from me originally ....it's not Railmatch, but Phoenix Precision!!

It sprays superbly and to my eye anyway looks just as I imagine it to be. It will be quite glossy when finished. I'll try and post some pic's of the loco body tomorrow. I've been trying to work out how to fix the front bogie, I'm using the one from a Hornby 2P. It has a screw that goes through it and a nice springy spring, which keeps the wheels where they should be, and I've been driving it through my double slip with no real issues....so far anyway!

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Well, I've managed to get it running! I had problems shortening the T9 chassis and adapting the 2P front Bogie and pick ups....but I got there.

Just a few pic's to show progress. I've used Archers Decal Rivets on the smokebox and front buffer beam - a few seem to have popped out! They will  need adding before I apply another coat of primer....




And a few pic's of the engine and tender.....paint should be on this week.....







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