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Pie and a Pint


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Pie and a pint ??.


First things first. A steak pie hot out of the oven from Maybury's bakery, a small long gone terraced shop in Whelley Wigan (near the L&NWR Whelley loop line). Best pies this side of Alpha Centauri !!


Secondly a pint of Walkers Falstaff bitter, a winter ale brewed in Warrington. Both ale and brewery are now a distant memory.


Third, the companion. David Bowie. Quite simply his music got me safely  through my adolescence. 



Just for you Brit5

A Wiganer goes into a pub in Yorkshire. A sign above the bar says, 'a pie, a pint, and a woman, 5 quid'.

The Wiganer goes up to the landlord and says 'What kind of pie is it?


For me a pie and a pint with JRR Tolkien.




John P

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