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    Colorado Front Range

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  1. With adequate power, which you now have, and decent wiring, there should be no discernable voltage drop across the tracks anywhere on your layout, regardless of what you have running. Regards, John P
  2. Had an email yesterday saying that my N Gauge ones are on their way. I'm away next week, but something to look forward to when I get home. Regards, John P
  3. For me it's the slow but very steady demise of wagonload freight. OR, the advent of trams and then buses, meaning that the railways became less useful for the general populace, outside London. I grew up near Bolton in the late 60's and early 70's, and despite there being 2 railway stations in my town, they were a good 20 minute walk away from home, so we always took the bus. I only started using trains when I was told that while the last bus from Bolton left at 10:00pm on a Saturday, the last train left at 11:30. Leaving more time to enjoy the many and varied hostelries that were still going back then. Regards, John P
  4. Finally!! 🙂 Looking forward to seeing all those CL92's that you have lined up in the storage yards. Regards, John P
  5. Phew, you've got almost as many categories as I have locos! John P
  6. I didn't even know that categories existed! Just tried it and looks to be very handy, I've got 70 locos in the roster, so sorting them by operator helps no end. John P
  7. Maybe a bit simplistic, but why not just press function buttons on your Prodigy until you find one that doesn't do anything? Regards, John P
  8. Fourthly, buy an equivalent Zimo chip, much easier to program without the need for Decoder pro or a sprog. John P
  9. Hi, I've just started installing Dapol N Gaige OHLE masts on my WCML layout. These pics are just what I needed to get a good idea of the spacing between the opposite 'short' and 'long' arms. I always make the mistake on my infrequent trips back to the UK of taking photo's of interesting things rather than the mundane stuff. Regards, John P
  10. Hi, A 9V battery will do for a quick test, just touch the battery contacts to the rails. Do make sure that the inter car connectors are connected properly. FWIW I sent one of mine back with the opposite problem, sounds were crackly but the unit ran fine, then the sounds stopped altogether. Regards, John P
  11. Hi, It's a pretty common occurrence that point motor switching is out of sync with the Z21 app, as @WIMorrison said just change the 1 & 0 for the turnout that doesn't work. Regards, John P
  12. If that money is really available spend it on getting rid of the two track bottleneck between Piccadilly and Deansgate. And add more through platforms at Piccadilly while they’re at it. But of course it doesn’t have the glamour factor does it. John P
  13. So Man Picc, Main Airport, Warrington, Lime street in 25 minutes!! Someone's having a larf aren't they? More likely, Main Airport to Piccadilly and then on to Merseyside. But if they are revamping Liverpool Central why not electrify from Salford all the way along the old L&YR mainline through Atherton, and then run underground to Central once they get on Merseyrail metals. Re-instate the Pemberton loop, let's face it, no-one wants to get off in Wigan 😁, redouble either side of Kirkby. Easy-peasy. John P
  14. The app does not automatically sync between devices. You have to do that manually by exporting and then importing your layout in the app. As long as you are using the supplied Wifi router, connecting a phone or ipad should be trivial, just select the Z21 wireless network and off you go. If you are attempting to use your home Wifi network, don't! Unless you know what you are doing. I don't know why a new iPad air won't work, it should. You can also email Roco support. Regards, John P
  15. So you got a wire in the wrong place, BUT, it isn’t making contact, so no short. Wiggle it and you get a short. Remove that wire and do it again. John P
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