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Ely show 20th May 2017


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Well here we are again on the final run-up to our annual show. There are a over 30 stands this time with 17 layouts in 8 different scales and gauges , a good range of traders including some new ones for us as well as demonstrations and live steam. I am sure you will find plenty to admire and enjoy and look forward to seeing you there!


The layouts are;

The Worlds End  00

Dentdale N

The Scole Railway 0

Two Sisters Farm 1/32nd scale

Red Hook Bay Ho

Poulter Bank 00

Tashvale N

Peterborough Model Engineers 5"

Torrecastle Viaduct N

Whaplode 0

Victoria EM

The Lambton Regis and Verdane Tramway 0/16.5

Loughborough Road 00

Tansey Bank 009

Hobbs Row Halt 009

Ramsey 00

Westgate Park N


Malcolm Hine, Exhibition Manager

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We also have "Tracey Jane" the scale traction engine, giving rides around the college grounds and Andy and Derek doing demonstrations on scratch-building rolling stock in Gauge 1 and 00. The traders are as follows;

Great Eastern Models - new locos, stock and accessories.

Milnsbridge Models - second hand stock and a selection of DVD's.

Layouts4U - scale lighting and electrical bits.

Railway Memories - DVD's

Bob Pearman - Railway and transport books.

Graham Varley - renowned professional model-maker working in 4mm and 7mm scales.

Great Eastern Transport Films - DVD's

HA Models - Kits and bits in 4mm and 7mm scales.

Coastal DCC - full range of digital equipment and expert advice.

Model Railway Baseboards - your baseboards accurately made to your requirements.


As well as the above we will also have the club sales stand, stands from The Great Eastern Society and The B17 Steam Locomotive Trust, and last but definitely not least the Café supplying hot and cold beverages, freshly made sandwiches and a tantalising range of home-made cakes for you to enjoy.


Malcolm Hine, Exhibition Manager

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Hi Malcolm


Looks good.


For those of us not in the know, can you tell us where it will be, and opening times (preferably with a postcode, so I can work out how best to get there!)?



Well spotted that man! Yes its at the City of Ely Community College, Downham Road, Ely CB6 2SH. The opening times are 10.30am to 4.30pm. Apparently some satnavs will send you to the rugby club on the other side of the A10 Ely bypass so the best advice I can give is to follow our signs when you are approaching Ely. I hope you can make it and have an enjoyable day.


Regards Malcolm

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Well spotted that man! Yes its at the City of Ely Community College, Downham Road, Ely CB6 2SH. The opening times are 10.30am to 4.30pm. Apparently some satnavs will send you to the rugby club on the other side of the A10 Ely bypass so the best advice I can give is to follow our signs when you are approaching Ely. I hope you can make it and have an enjoyable day.


Regards Malcolm

A late change to the list of traders. After a quick blast down the A1 to Welwyn on my trusty Triumph Trident I can announce that Kevin's Model Railways will be taking on the mantle of second-hand trader as Milnsbridge Models are unable to grace us with their presence for the first time in more years than I care to remember. As you may imagine I was somewhat concerned at the loss of one of our main traders but I hope that this is going to prove a fruitful relationship - welcome Kevin!


Regards Malcolm

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  • 2 weeks later...



          I'm doing two this weekend Malcolm, Watford Saturday and Derby Sunday, nothing like a bit of flagellation for purging the soul. By the way if you are looking for an East Anglian layout in the future we've got one called Fenchurch St Peter.





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          I'm doing two this weekend Malcolm, Watford Saturday and Derby Sunday, nothing like a bit of flagellation for purging the soul. By the way if you are looking for an East Anglian layout in the future we've got one called Fenchurch St Peter.





Hi George, I will definitely take you up on that. I'll be in touch.




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A reminder to all our Ely & District MRC Members (and wives, girlfriends etc.) that we normally have a superb collection of home made cakes "appear" just in time for the Cafe to open (in the main hall) next Saturday 20th May...these cakes don't just appear out of thin air you know - someone has to make them!  Hint, hint.


I've booked the van (extra LWB Sprinter) so the barrier and tables collection crew (me, Keith and Andy C) can collect said items from CMRA's Welwyn store next Friday ahead of the show.


Someone REMIND ME NOT TO DRIVE UNDER ELY RAILWAY BRIDGE in it (when we also go and get Westgate Park from the Clubroom later that afternoon) or there might be a disastrous scalping of the van's roof!!!  - and Stuntney Road will be even more jammed up than normal  :O


Exhibition poster attached - plus Club's website in the signature.

POSTER A4 V2 2017.pdf

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A reminder to all our Ely & District MRC Members (and wives, girlfriends etc.) that we normally have a superb collection of home made cakes "appear" just in time for the Cafe to open (in the main hall) next Saturday 20th May...these cakes don't just appear out of thin air you know - someone has to make them!  Hint, hint.


I've booked the van (extra LWB Sprinter) so the barrier and tables collection crew (me, Keith and Andy C) can collect said items from CMRA's Welwyn store next Friday ahead of the show.


Someone REMIND ME NOT TO DRIVE UNDER ELY RAILWAY BRIDGE in it (when we also go and get Westgate Park from the Clubroom later that afternoon) or there might be a disastrous scalping of the van's roof!!!  - and Stuntney Road will be even more jammed up than normal  :O


Exhibition poster attached - plus Club's website in the signature.

I have sent the finalised floor plans to the committee members so there are no excuses for not getting the stands in the right place!

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Final preparations for what we hope will be a great show are underway.  This is the Club's new DCC N gauge layout, Westgate Park which was taken down last night ahead of moving it to the show for Saturday - it's first ever outing (yes I know it's not finished but it's come on leaps and bounds the last few months).  



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Just to let Exhibitors and Traders know that during final setting up on Saturday morning we should have a few hot bacon rolls being made available by the College catering staff in our cafe area (one end of Main Hall) at around 9.00AM.  If you want one cost will be £2.50 (please have the correct change and it's a first come first served basis - once the've gone, the've gone!)


Any exhibitors or traders arriving Friday evening (for setting up) please remember that we don't get access to Ely College until about 4.30PM (we're not allowed on the grounds whilst students are still around). 


Just a final reminder that we open to the public at 10.30AM on Saturday.

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I know this will be a crushing disappointment to the many coachloads of you winging your way from all 4 corners of the globe to tomorrows wing-ding, but sadly Victoria will not now be appearing due to technical issues'. In other words, I haven't been able to prepare a shunter in time for pilot duties, which is an integral part of things. Having operated at Glasgow for the best part of 2 days without a working shunter, I know it wouldnt be up to much so I've told Malc that Victoria will be staying at home.


However, all is not lost as the small but perfectly formed Canons Lane scrapyard will be appearing instead. Slightly smaller than Victoria but just as interesting and though - provoking. See you tomorrow!


Disgusting of Market Harborough

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Dave, you'll be pleased to know that I've just come out of a 3 hour "emergency crisis meeting" in the Drayman's Son Micropub in Ely with our Exhibition Manager Malcolm and Treasurer Michael to discuss if we needed to be up all night to re-print all the Programmes with 'Canons Lane Scrapyard' replacing 'Victoria' in the listing. 


After the second pint we decided it really won't matter...


...after the third pint, we decided it would be fun to see how many people actually vote for 'Victoria' in the public competition for best layout (even though 'Canons Lane Scrapyard' will be there instead)...


...after the fourth pint...er...I forgot what the crisis meeting was about...


Here's to a great day tomorrow at Ely College :-)

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Attended this exhiibition today - really enjoyed it.


Selection of layouts was great - hard to pick out a favourite to vote for.  Catering was excellent, and reasonably priced.


Good selection of traders - my only critisism was one seller that occupied the whole width of the main hall selling what I can only describe as very poor quality secondhand stuff at sky high prices! e.g.tatty Lima locos and Hornby Pacers just under £40!  Unboxed! What?! :no:   But I guess one persons idea of junk is anothers treasure!  Luckily Great Eastern Models were there, and I bought a loco and a few other bits at excellent prices that were well below RRP.


We go to this exhibition every year and it makes for a very nice day out.


Well done organisers and exhibitors (and traders, except one!).






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I'll second what Cravensdmufan said - a few hours on Saturday very well spent.




Next to the entrance, Peterborough Society of Model Engineers' outdoor live steam was a lovely introduction to the event.


Apart from some lovely layouts my particular favourites where the wagon building demonstrations and the display of beautiful 7mm kit built locos by Graham Varley. I spent ages browsing Bob Pearman's books stand and the selection of kits and parts on the H&A Models stand was very tempting as well.


A big well done to Ely MRC for putting on such a great show. I'll be back next year.




Seeing as my next stop after the show was Ramsey, it was only natural the I'd snap a couple of photos of the Ely club's Ramsey layout.



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Just a few quick iPhone general view snaps of this year's winner of our public vote for 'Best Layout'.  Congrats to Pete Goss!


Malcolm always tries to set the bar high with his exhibition planning (which starts several years ahead of each show) so we're all really looking forward to next year's!  It'll be our 40th in Ely!!!


Keep the 3rd Saturday in May free in your diary as 19th May 2018 will be a show you'll not want to miss.




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