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Peco PL10E Chopping Off?

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Hello all,


I've successfully fitted four of these units with great success - I now want to lop off the 4mm or so excess section of pin that is now protruding up through the throw bars... I'm not sure about using my Dremel for this task (not exactly a precision instrument and there's the heat transfer) My wire snippers aren't up to it either and the least said about the hacksaw the better - what's the solution?


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I normally use wire cutters, one slip with a dremal and damage can occur (maybe I am just clumsy), also hold the part to be removed with a pair of long nosed pliers otherwise you will find it later somewhere it shouldn't be.

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These should do the job: https://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/product/B0011252K4 - rated for piano wire up to 2mm diameter.  Other makes & models are available.


I'm not a fan of Dremel cutting discs.  As noted above, they heat up the workpiece, and can shatter dangerously.


I'm not actually a fan of cutting discs at all, if it comes down to it.  They can have their place, but they far too often get used to cover up mistakes.  IMO the mark of a bodging builder is someone who whips out the diamond cutting disc at the drop of a hat.  It usually means they've measured wrong, or haven't actually measured at all.  When you hear the buzz of the angle grinder followed by the whine of the cutting disc you can almost guarantee that a grubby and somewhat beaten-up unmarked white transit van will be parked outside the premises in question (and usually blocking half the pavement to boot).

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