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Try to find this motor.


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I'm trying to find some more of these motors hopefully at a cheap price as i use them quite a lot.


I believe it's a type 7 but with a double shaft it might even be 030-RA.


I've used one to replace the motor in a Dapol 73 and like to replace the standard type 7 and stick a flywheel on the end.


Anyone know of a good source?.


Yours hopefully.




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I have not seen one of these with the double ended shaft before, but have sold a lot of the 'normal' Type 7 motors on ebay in the past, and still have a small stock of them.  They are actually Mabuchi motors, with the single shaft one being SH-030SA, but is sometimes known as an E18.


A quick internet search found this German website http://www.pc-harry.de/shop/Mabuchi%20SH%20030%20SA.pdf.  This also appears to be an SH 030 SA.  Mabuchi's own website shows the SH-030SA to have a shorter single shaft than the usual Type 7, so there appear to be a number of variants of the same motor.

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Thanks I've seen all the single shaft ones this I got from BEC tram kits.


I'd just like to source them a bit cheaper if I can to enable the use of a flywheel.


If anyone comes across the double shaft ones please let me know.


Hopefully yours.



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