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Ashling Road, NSE 1990ish.

40 058

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Hello, I've been a member here for a while I just don't post all that often!

I thought I'd get a thread up for my new project now I've restarted work on it.


Basically the story here is, I have a shed layout based on the Woodhead route in OO. Trouble is, like many people I like lots of different things and, as much as I like the MSW theme I wanted something to run my collection of sectorisation era stock. So this smaller layout idea came up.

The basic idea was not to damage or dismantle the original layout but make use of the space above its fiddle yard area.

I built a baseboard (10mm ply, 2x1 frames) then mounted it on the wall of the shed but using hinges. This allows the new layout to hinge up allowing for track cleaning etc if needed on the old layout below it! So far so good!

Then I built a small fiddle yard plank for one end which is fully removable by simply unbolting it from the main board. I got as far as laying some track and generally having a play until I got something that worked.


That was well over a year ago! Shortly after this I decided it would be a good idea to poke some rusty areas on one of my classic cars, another hobby of mine...

Always a stupid idea! This then became a full on restoration which has gotten a bit out of hand and caused no end of trouble so model making took a back seat.

The car is now well on track again and looking good so recently I've decided to restart this new layout, but starting fresh. I've cleared the boards and built another larger fiddle yard board to make things work easier.

One issue I've run into however was when I stopped work on the layout over a year ago I didn't bother finishing the supports which has allowed the frame of the big scenic section to sag in the middle!

To correct this I've supported it in the middle temporarily and sat some heavy weights on each end to bend it back straight again over time. Once it's straight I'll finish the missing supports.

I should have done this before laying it all up but didn't think about it!


So with a fresh start I've decided to slightly change my intended prototype.

I live on the south coast and one day was looking through some old photos of 3rd rail EMU's, I'd not really payed them much attention when they were running as it was just the usual thing down here. Of course all that changed when the classic slam door units were taken away.

I decided there and then that was what I wanted. With that in mind I've come up with a plan which allows for a station, small diesel fuel point/maintenance area and a small area for freight interest.

It all fits in (just!), though more room would have been nice.


Track was layed and I dug out an old Gaugemaster controller to use to test run everything and see how well things worked. This turned out to have been damaged somehow so I took it to Gaugemasters shop for repair since I'm not too far away.

It was repaired for free, which I was impressed with and while I was there I picked up a Heljan 33!

That pretty much brings things up to date. I've run the layout a fair bit and it does seem to work pretty well for what I want so I'll start wiring things up more permanently next and sort the track ends at baseboard joints permanently while I'm at it.


If you're still with me here's a few pics of what I've got.


36157228981_37baf97627_o.jpgIMG_0563 by Dan Clark, on Flickr

A pair of Heljan Cromptons sitting in the diesel fuel area. I know these models aren't everyone's cup of tea but I like them!


36289757185_76b4b2031b_o.jpgIMG_0562 by Dan Clark, on Flickr


36123148642_ed505589ab_o.jpgIMG_0561 by Dan Clark, on Flickr

The siding with the three vans will become a large warehouse type industrial building. Trains can come into the area, loco runs around and reverses the train in. Length wise those three vans are about the max!


36123158312_17a6bdefcd_o.jpgIMG_0559 by Dan Clark, on Flickr


35456189384_8f38a94467_o.jpgIMG_0555 by Dan Clark, on Flickr

This pic shows the track plan of the scenic area.


35484493773_b6bdf4dac8_o.jpgIMG_0558 by Dan Clark, on Flickr

Fiddle yard entrance. The cast iron wagon data plates are being used to weigh down the boards to straighten them out! Seems to work well!


Since these pics were taken I've added a headshunt to the fuel point area, just to make things better operationally.

Still loads to do but it's a start! I've still not decided on control. It's on analogue dc at the moment for test running but I'm tempted by DCC longer term?

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Looks great, just my era as well!

I know you said you've added a headshunt to the fuel point area but could I suggest this !  Means the round-round loop in action doesn't stop locos to and from the sidings.






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