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union mills

mr b

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  • 3 months later...

Following mention on the N Gauge Forum I e-mailed Colin Heard a couple of days ago to clarify.


He has confirmed that his 2014 release will be a D16/3 "Claude Hamilton".


No mention of a date in his reply to me but the NGF posting says July/August.


I hope this is of interest, I will certainly be ordering a BR one.



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  • 6 months later...

Latest Union Mills loco the D16/3 arrived today.


Another very nice model of something the "Mainstream" manufacturers would never touch.


 I am really pleased with it.


Picture below. It uses a new shorter tender which if not perfect certainly suits the loco well, and I understand will be used on future batches of the B12 too.




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Latest Union Mills loco the D16/3 arrived today.


Another very nice model of something the "Mainstream" manufacturers would never touch.


 I am really pleased with it.


Picture below. It uses a new shorter tender which if not perfect certainly suits the loco well, and I understand will be used on future batches of the B12 too.



Hello Roy


I've been keeping an eye on this forum and also watching the Railway Modeller for Colin's latest list containing the new Claude Hamilton as I want to buy one for my father, but it hasn't appeared in the mag yet.


Could you kindly tell me the price of this loco and I'll send off for one, now that I know it's available. (Colin's ad may be in the next issue of RM but I'd like to get in quick as I know these locos sell fast !) My father has 3 other Union Mills locos and loves them.




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Evening all,

Sorry if this has been asked beforehand but does anyone have an up to date address for UM because i was told it changed near Christmas time? Also, does anyone also have an up to date list of whats for sale and the prices? I've heard nothing but great reviews of these engines so i'm rather hoping to buy one.


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Evening all,

Sorry if this has been asked beforehand but does anyone have an up to date address for UM because i was told it changed near Christmas time? Also, does anyone also have an up to date list of whats for sale and the prices? I've heard nothing but great reviews of these engines so i'm rather hoping to buy one.


Hello Lloyd


There's a price list and address posted in this thread here, dated March this year so it should be the current address. Scroll down a bit and you'll see it.



My dad has a few of these engines and we're both very impressed with their running qualities - and their weight too.



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Thank you very much Steve,

I found an older price list and really wanted the drummond 700 in southern black but it seems to have been omitted this year :dontknow:  I will write to Colin and ask if he has any left. (You have to have some optimism with this hobby! :jester: )  Also, how do i get an up to date catalogue? Shall i just send a letter with a few loose stamps?

Thanks once again,


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Hi Lloyd


I received a price list with my D16/3 last week.


It shows the address as the same as the one from the link above.


The 700 is listed, SR black number 306. Price £69 plus £3 P&P.


In fact he shows pretty much his entire range in stock at the moment, even J38s and J39s.


I hope this helps.





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Thank you very much Roy, i've sent him a letter today asking about his stock levels on three different locos. Hopefully it will get to him in under three weeks! :O (Damn you royal mail!!). Could i please have a copy of the price list roy if its no great trouble. If not then dont worry. I'm now looking at getting either the 700 or adams 0395 as a starters detailing project to help me get my skill level up a bit.

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I can vouch for his customer service. I sent a letter to him on Tuesday and it arrived today! I enquired about stock levels and he sent me a price list, information sheets for all three locos i enquired about, notes about DCC and a letter in reply to mine! I will soon take he plunge and buy a drummond 700 from him.


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Get your order sent off Lloyd, you won't regret it :)


Was at my Dad's today and saw his new D16/3 - he wanted the LNER green one - and what a beauty it is. I don't know who does the painting and lettering on these locos but it's absolutely first class. It's not a full matt finish which would show finger marks but neither is it a satin finish either. It's somewhere in between and it looks superb, as do my Dad's other UM locos.


I don't have a camera good enough to take a picture that would really do it justice. I model American HO and N gauge but am starting to quite fancy a small British-outline N layout now.

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Ok guys, you have helped me make my mind up. I will be ordering a 700 and a T9 with my birthday dosh + sales from a few items recently sold on 'that site'. Not worried about livery as I want to smooth off and add separate handrails I think though will wait until arrival before deciding.


best wishes


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Thanks Steve but now theres the question of what one to buy!!!! Either the 700 or the 0395. Hmmmm...both would look nice together though! Seriously though i only have enough spare to buy one now so its a deciding game! I also model American N gauge as it was a change from OO gauge and i want to get a British loco like the ones that used to run around Southampton docks. (They're literally next door to me!).

Simon, glad to know ive helped you spend money!!

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My layout, Polpendra, is set 1958-62 at the start of a show and 1972 at the end or a variation of these depending on how I feel. The recent meeting I went to, we ran just 1970s diesels! The layout is badsed in mid/North Cornwall.


There is a thread on here -



Not updated for a while I am afraid!

Best wishes


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I remember 'Polpendra' in the RM. I kept the pages for future reference as I thought the scenery was excellent and the whole layout very believable. Some layouts you can imagine yourself walking round the station and yard and there doesn't need to be anything running to hold your attention.


If I do build a small British N layout it will be along the same lines.. and I'll probably blatantly rip-off scenes from Polpendra :)



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  • 2 months later...

As for wish lists, I'd like to see UM attempt an inside cylindered tank engine - How about an NER Class W (LNER A6)? The coupled wheelbase is only 2" shorter than the NER tender wheelbase. Obviously using the driving wheels to substitute for a tender drive and the bogie/trailing truck for pickup would be a challenge. They look great in BR lined black.


Alternatively, I'd second the appeal for a NER Class I or J.


I've included pictures of my D20 and 2 x J26 - The etched coal rails were produced by Bob Jones of Fence Houses Model Foundry, if anyone is interested, and the paint finish is by Simon Howard of Durham Trains of Stanley.




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