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Blog- 'Chamberlain Junction' - The Start of 'Chamberlain Junction' - January 2017.

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As my first Blog entry, I felt the need to explain the forthcoming plans for my new exhibition layout "Chamberlain Junction". Being my first show layout, I'm hoping this goes well! So... Where to start!
The layout its self totals 16ft in length, and 2ft in width, with the baseboards being made by the ever popular "Tim Horn Baseboards". Being constructed from Birch Ply, in 4 Separate 4ft x 2ft Modules, With legs being custom made by myself. (The Boards have been ordered, and are hopefully arriving soon!!) Exciting times!


The layout is intended around my home town in the East Midlands, with maybe a few flavours of the west midlands being incorporated. The era I have chosen is based generally around the Sub-Sector time, allowing for plenty of liveries and locos to be seen, aswell as a varied amount of wagons. (With the layout being predominantly freight.) During the last few weeks, and breaking the bank at Warley, I managed to pick up a few sound locos, two of which have been both in Coal Sector livery, being 56128 'West Burton Power Station' fitted with a LokSound chip, and Bachmann's new Coal Sector Tractor, with Sound.


The track-work will be constructed using Peco's new 'Bullhead' range, being the SL108F & the new bullhead points. With the power for the layout coming from the 'Roco Z21' System, with WiFi Router, allowing control from my phone and tablet, and also I have purchased a Multi-Maus controller for another form of control.


As we all know, a layout can never be "Finished", but I am hoping to get the layout out to its first shows in late 2018, to early 2019.


I Hope you look forward to following this Sub-Sector Project!


All the best
Michael Sutton

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