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Down by the Coalyard

Mike the Train

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There are some terrific 'cakes' being produced, so time for me to have a go.


The initial inspiration is a colour  photo spotted in Rail Express Modeller of May 2015, showing the local coal merchant at Currie unloading a coal wagon into sacks on the back of his truck. A monochrome version of the same photo appeared in the letters page of Railway Modeller of April 2016.


My list of ingredients so far includes:

Scrap of MDF trimmed to size

Ancient length of SMP track (35 years old!)

Equally ancient Lima 7-plank coal wagon,

Oddments from an old Airfix engine shed

Peco coal sacks

Harburn Hamlets stack of coal sacks

Flat bed truck

The coalman's hut

Coalman and his dog.


All recycled from previous layouts.


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The Lima coal wagon has had a door cut out and is now in the paintshop....to give it that worn, unpainted wood look. So far its had a blast of Wilko grey primer, followed by a wash of black ink.

The chassis has lost its giant couplings, and will gain plastic coupling hooks from an old kit. The steamroller wheels have gone, replaced by spoked wheels from yet another old plastic kit.

Hoping to get to a Hobbycraft store on our travels between Christmas & New Year, to acquire some air drying clay and the all important cake box. My thinking at the moment is to adapt the box so as to create a 'theatre' scene that you look in to.



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  • 2 weeks later...

Away over Christmas, so the project stalled, although I was able to source a missing ingredient - DAS clay for the yard surface.


The scrap box provided parts for the representation of the goods shed - bits from an old Airfix engine shed, Wills slate sheet, Ratio gutters and doors from a Scalescenes kit issued free with Hornby magazine.


Track painted and weathered, ready to be glued down and ballasted.



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Track ballasted, DAS clay rolled out (just like pastry!) and stuck down with a coat of PVA. Foundation excavated for the coalman's hut. Once dry, painting will start using emulsion tester pots / acrylics.


Wasn't happy with the way the wagon body turned out with the black ink wash, so tried a different approach...still needs tweaking, plus adding transfers.



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A bit more progress on the Coalyard:



Yard surface coated with fine sand.




Painted with grey emulsion then dry-brushed with Railmatch weathered black.




Base coat of scatter, as an 'undercoat' for the static grass.


Looks like the MDF has warped slightly - should have sealed it better!

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"Jus' cos the line's half shut an' that Beeching fella reckons the rest wants shutting within a twelvemonth, there's no call for folk to burn down the poor ole coalman's office is there? Mind, I wouldn't put it past him to 'ave lit the match 'isself. Damn sure them coal sacks 'ave got lighter since 'e took over from 'is ole man....."




But business as usual Down by the Coalyard.

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A little more scenic treatment, including an attempt at creating a mossy look to the yard surface ....... needs more work on that, with a different approach. I used a green mix of acrylic, stippled on. A slightly brighter mix for it to show up better, maybe.



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Guest ShildonShunter

Mike a fantastic job in the little layout the burnt out building does bring character and shape to the layout. Nice job on the coal wagon. Great stuff.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Buddleia has started sprouting down at the coalyard.


Fine beading wire twisted together then painted with acrylic mixed with a little PVA, When dry, stems painted with PVA then covered with scatter. Secured with hairspray then the tips coloured with purple paint.



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