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Testing has continued.....

The only problem being the buffer locking of the Freightliner hopper wagons....


As an aside I am pleased with how the points have turned out.....

Previously when making points I have made the two stock rails & then the frog vee & blades....

I always had a problem with either the gaps being big or the rails not quite lining up....

I noticed that the rails didn't quite line up on the plan I was working from......

Six layouts later & I found a fault in the Markway plan !!!!!!!


Anyway I thought of a solution......

Rather than have separate rails I thought I'd lay a curve then cut out the frog gap......


A couple of pictures to show what I mean....




AS you can see I have laid a curve ,then soldered after filing to fit a short piece of rail to make the frog vee....

Also the straight stock rail.....

The curve has to be in line so long as it is in gauge so no problems with stock not going round it well as part of the curve is the blade & part the curved part of the frog vee....




Then lay the straight blade including the check rail part.....

Using a slitting disc cut the curved rail to form the vee & the gap for the wheels to run through....

Add the check rail part of the curved point blade & check clearances......

Using CDA wagons as I find they are very sensitive to bad track check all works.....


I found that the CDA's ran both through the straight & curved  tracks in this state without adding the final two check rails.....

Hence I assume why I forgot to solder on one of the check rails as mentioned above......


Don't know if any one else makes their points this way but it worked for me......


Then add the other two check rails & finally solder the rest of the sleepers.....


Cheers Bill

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Hi Bill.

They look good. I use C/L templates that I got years ago. I always run the two outer rails first, going as the template the rest of the template I you as a guide, then I do the vee then the two frog check rails and lastly I do the blades. I always use my gauges.

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From what I've seen so far this is looking good! As mentioned before, you can never have too many China clay layouts! Perhaps I should consider making one. One day...



Thanks for the comment....


Apologies for the delay in acknowledging it but life caught up for a day or to......

I look forward to following your progress when you start your Clay layout....


Cheers Bill

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Testing continues but all seems to work fine now....

Had another gauging issue on the point I thought I'd sorted & one of the tortoise point motors was playing up....

Worked fine opne way but not the other.....

As it was a second hand one I thought it might have packed up but it turned out to be a faulty solder joint....

Not one of mine but the previous owners as it turned out......


Adapted six Peco buffer stops....

Replaced the buffer beam with rail  glued them to short stretches of rail & sprayed them in primer.....

I don't normally prime them but when I paint them the paint doesn't always take too welll.....


Also drew up the end profile of the main building that will hide/cover the traverser....

The main building will be over 3ft long & about 10ins deep by about 8/9 ins tall....Quite a beast......Plus an extension to cover the full 4ft length.....


Next job though will be to sort out the backscene as this building will need to fit against the backscene firmly.....

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Just playing around I cut out of card an end profile of the main Clay loading shed & stood it up......

I placed three of the slurry tanks in front of it as that's where they'll end up.....

Bearing in mind there will be a backscene as well hopefully it will look OK....

I may also make a pipe carrying bridge to further hide the entrance to the traverser & add a tree or two......


Anyway this is what it looked like.....






This is sort of the inspiration....




As can be seen the buildings are enormous & dwarf the JIA wagons in front....


Also my sentinel shunter now has had a run out with match wagon......

Runs a treat now....Just needs weathering.....




Next is to buy some 4mm ply for the backscene boarding & cut to size & fix then buildings........


Cheers Bill

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As an afterthought to the above post on looking at the end profile I think I might go for the flatter roof profile as drawn (30deg as opposed to 35deg ).

Or maybe flatter still.....

As can be seen from the prototype photo roof pitches did vary.......

The idea is to get the impression of size as well as having access to the inside of the building as that is part of the traverser.


Also I didn't explain that the shunter didn't run well previously due to the unevenness of my previous layout's trackwork....

Nothing to do with the loco itself.....

So the runner is extra electrical pick up but wouldn't be necessary in real life.....


Cheers Bill

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Had hoped to get quite a bit done over the last two days but a leaky toilet & SWMBO's tasks put paid to that....


However did make a start on the backscene....

Got the two 'easy' ones up & made a start on the one that will cover the traverser....

Might get an hour in before work tomorrow....We'll see.....


Cheers Bill

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Finished off the backscene boarding at the traverser end...

Glue drying & clamps in place so will try & take a pic or two tomorrow....


Also rewired the DPDT switches that enable me to run the 'main line' on a choice of controller so two operators can be utilised.....

Haven't checked they work yet.....

Also now must fix the control panel in place.....


Lots of other jobs to do around the house tomorrow so may not get much done........


Cheers Bill

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A few pics of progress with the backscene.....


From the back....






From the front.....








& a general view from the front.....




I was going to use the same hollow plastic I normally use but as I used bits of ply for the backscene at this end I have the 4ft length of 4mm ply left over which when loosely fitted looks the part as the roof & will be hopefully much stronger....

I've also got half the sheet of 4mm ply left over so I may build the linhay out of this.....A first for me building buildings out of ply.....

The thickness will be about the same....Just cutting will be different but I can see advantages....

Solid not hollow walls....Stronger.....Less bendy.....BUT heavier & less easy to cut & shape......


Well this hobby is about learning ....So here we go......


Cheers Bill

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  • 4 weeks later...



A bit of progress.....

Not much but other things have taken priority & I'm determined to enjoy building this layout.....


Cut the end wall of the Linhay/Clay Store & started the roof....

The ply slope of the roofs are cut but I've been delayed by how to support the ridge....

The answer I hope is what I did this afternoon....

I cut a piece of planed timber on my bench saw to make a moulding that is flat on the bottom but matches th roof pitch at the top......

Basically a solid triangle.....

The problem I had was I had to make two mouldings & glue them together....They are now drying so hopefully it will work.....


All the buffer heads have been fitted to the Freightliner hoppers & they now run through the troublesome curve....

They've also had my couplings fitted.....

The heads need painting then they're done......


The buffer stops have been made up ,painted & fitted......


I had an issue with one of the points not always working.......

It turned out to be a faulty DPDT switch which has now been replaced.....


Will have to pack Hendra up for a couple of weeks as Penhallick Junction is out at the Helston show the weekend after next.....


Will try & take a pic or two before I take the layout down......


Cheers Bill


Edit to correct spelling

Edited by treggyman
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No progress on the layout today but took a couple of pics.....


First a before & after pic of the JIA hoppers new buffers....

Basicly some brass strip cut to length & filed to shape...

Still need to be painted......




Next the buffer stops....

There will be four different paint schemes for these......


First the ones at the station end sidings....

These are based on a pic of one taken at StBlazey.....






Next one based on those at Lostwithiel...Unfortunatly the site won't let me add the resized original....




& then a plain rusty one.....




The one at the end of the platform will be one like at the end of branch line platforms.....

Not yet built or painted....


Well that's all for now....

It's taken ages to post this as for some reason the previous effort ended all jumbled up so I ended up scrapping it & starting again....


Cheers Bill

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  • 2 weeks later...



Hendra has it's first definite invite.....


Next April at the Helston show.......


Better get a move on......


Anyway now Penhallick Junction has returned from the Helston show today any available modelling time 'til August will be spent on Hendra so hopefully some progress will be made......


The Linhay roof needs fitting then the building needs to be clad....




Cheers Bill

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Well a bit of a setback.......


Got back to working on Hendra today after getting other more important jobs done....


Set it up....

Sorted out some sectorisation stock to run......


When I noticed the traverser tracks were higher than those of the adjacent board by 3 or 4mm......


Couldn't find an obvious reason until I put a straight edge on the traverser deck.......

The ends of the planed timber I have used as a frame have bent up on both sides for no apparent reason.....

The trouble is that the whole thing has been screwed & glued.......

So cant just be unscrewed to repair......


So a probable rebuild is in order.......

I normally use ply for my frames rather than softwood & have never had this problem before so I think rather than try to repair/adjust it would be more likely to be successful/reliable to rebuild........

Especially as at exhibitions structural stability is of paramount importance in my view........

Temperature & humidity can vary so much through the day......


One thing that it does mean is that I shall fix the drawer runners vertically as there was too much vertical slop with them being fixed flat.....


Just as well I hadn't fixed the roof on the Linhay as that would have made the job very difficult............


Anyway I now Know what my next jobs are.....


Cheers Bill

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  • 3 weeks later...



Well the traverser is now fixed.....

In the end I didn't build a new one but cut through the soft wood supports so they were no longer giving rigid support & glued & screwed ply to the sides to form a rigid vertical support.....

Seems to be working so far!!!!!!


The point that I had a problem with wouldn't throw again.....

the one I replaced the switch.....

I resoldered the joints & it seems Ok now but I may have to change the switch again......


Also the entry to the traverser only works on one controller.....

The controller works elsewhere & the other controller works the section so there is a problem getting power to that section.....

One rail is fine.....

So I need to find why the problem lies....

It could be another faulty switch as it is from the same batch that the point motor is powered from.....


Have a look next time......


Other than that have had fun 'playing' trains/testing the layout....

Been running my sectorisation stock which normally doesn't get a run out.....

My Hornby TTA  tanks buffer lock with the '37's....Replacement buffer heads ordered (the Bachmann ones don't...Slightly larger heads)


Otherwise the occasional back to back tweak & all is fine....


Cheers Bill

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  • 4 weeks later...



A bit of progress at last.......


The weather's been so good & we've been away to London to visit the Grandaughter & the garden etc etc.......


Anyway......Sorted out the 'lazy 'point.......Hopefully......Another dodgy switch!!!!!!


Also had an issue with the entry to the traverser/fiddle yard......This was a wire had become loose/disconnected....All sorted now.


Dug out my '90's/sectorisation stock......Lots of '37's in various liveries ,a couple of'47's & '50's so lots of variety.....

I'll post some pictures another day as some of them need couplings added & most need weathering.....


Today I finally fitted the ply roof to the Linhay......

It's some large building.......


A couple of poor quality snaps......








47361 Wilton Endeavour having had couplings added rests after a bout of shunting......




I'm not sure this loco ever came down here but my nephew says it did & anyway rule 1 applies.....

It is the Heljan model but came without fuel tanks etc so I've stuck on some Vitrains ones.......

The purists will probably recoil in horror but it looks OK to me.......


Also been playing about with the manufacture of my home made couplings....

Previously each wagon needed a unique coupling....Time consuming.....

Also it meant that I got rid of the coupling pockets so reducing the wagon's potential sale value......

I've now figured out a way using the NEM coupling pockets that means the couplings are not only removeable but can be made almost in bulk just to clip fit when required......RESULT....


I've got most of the stock I need for Hendra but would quite like another Polybulk wagon......I've got three already.....

However they seem to be going for silly money.....£60+ plus postage so no thank you.....


However I did buy a Provincial liveried Class 153 today so now my passenger fleet is complete.....

I've a Dapol class122 , a Bachmann 158 in Regional railways & now the 153.....

I do also have Bachmann 108 & Met Cam DMU's as well if need be....


Well time will be of a premium for a while so progress will be sporadic but hopefully I can get on with some of the buildings etc in spare few minutes......


Cheers Bill

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  • 2 weeks later...



My Provincial class 153 arrived & runs fine straight from the box.......




I also built an office/control room for the slurry tank loading/storage area....

The idea is to use it as a view blocker to hide where the line actually runs into the shed rather than behind it......

It's possibly not tall enough so I did wonder about just having the tanks closer to the Linhay without the shed.....

Some pics of both options.....


First with the office shell in place.....






& then without.....








You can see the problem with the hole into the Linhay visible from the station end of the layout.....


The jury is out but I think I'll go with the office in place with maybe a short piece of backscene behint the tanks & a tree or two.....

We'll see......


Next up is some work on cladding the Linhay,finishing the office & detailing the tanks......

Can't decide whether to have a slurry loader or not.....


That's all for now


Cheers Bill


Sadly my Kentrol feedback controller decided to die so I've had to replace it with a Gaugemaster version....

All works well though  so no problem.......



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A bit more progress last night.....


Got on with the slurry pump house.......

Although not fitted the windows are made......

Just one or two finishing touches & then paint......

Also need to decide whether or not to detail the interior......

I may well but not urgent as the building will always have an open back as it butts on to the Linhay which is removable as it is on the next baseboard......


Not very good pics I'm afraid.....I think my camera is like me....Getting old!!!!!






As the fine weather continues will only be able to do odds & ends.....

But progress is being made....


Cheers Bill

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  • 4 weeks later...



Did a bit today whilst the rain fell......


Finished off the slurry tanks that I'd been building seemingly forever.....

Here they are in a coat of grey primer.....








I've spent this evening fitting the windows to the office building & painting /weathering it....

Also the bund wall but not yet taken any pics of that......

Next is to paint & finish the tanks & associated pipework/ladders/rails....


Cheers Bill

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  • 2 months later...



A bit of progress over the last few weeks.....

Other things have taken priority but hopefully with Autumn coming on I shall have a bit more time to make progress.....


The slurry tanks & pump house/control room are nearly finished....I shall try to get a few pics in the next day or two......


Also I have built a small fuelling facility....

The storage/feeder tanks are on order & should arrive next week...

I was going to scratch build them but I've gone for Knightwing kits instead.....


Meanwhile I have redone the traverser.....

Each time I took the layout down the tracks wouldn't line up correctly....

Also there was too much vertical 'slop'......

So instead of the drawer runners being flat they are now on their edge.....

It took a long time to get right....It would have been easier to do before the track was laid...

But the end result is good....No more slop & minimal adjustment required to realign tracks across the baseboard join.....


Also I have started to amend a Bachmann Class 08 shunter for the layout.....


Looking through the pictures I took back in the day I took some of 08955 at St Blazey,which coincidentaly I also photo'd at Exeter St Davids prior to moving to Cornwall in 1987.....






The above pictures are self explanatory....

So decision made as to the identity.....


When Bachmann first produced their class 08 back in the late '90's I bought myself a green one & my son as a combined birthday/Christmas present bought me a blue one....

They've never really been used as after a while both started to have running issues....

However this seems to have been sorted.....


As bought plus a poor weathering attempt....






The problem is tat the model doesn't have the 'tool box' or whatever it is on the LH side....So....


A bit of plasticard later it now does....






I couldn't find my BR blue so a quick blast of primer followed by some garter blue and....






The colour difference shouldn't be a problem as I am hoping to partially spray with weathered BR blue....

Never tried this before so could be a disaster....We'll see.....


The other thing is that the buffer beams are red on 08955.....

So I switched the chassis from the green 08 ,swapped the wheels & test ran.....

& seems to run well.....

I've not taken a pic of it but I will......

I was going to paint the buffer beams red but now don't have too....Bonus.....


Anyway hopefully will post a bit more regularly from now on but we'll see how things go....


Cheers Billl

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  • 2 weeks later...



A few pics of progress so far.....


The slurry tanks & control building are now nearly finished.....

Just the weathering of the tanks to be done......

I shall probably leave that for a while as I want them to tone in with all the rest of the weathering.....








A while ago I started to build a fuelling point building.....






The shell has now been finished......

I have made a pump & a workbench & will add hoses for the pump & water pipes,noticeboards etc....

I also bought the Knightwing fuel tank kit & added pipework to it.....






Originally I was going to place them on the siding by the platform track.....





But I felt that it would be unlikely to have such a facility so close to the platform so now it is in the siding that was to be used for stone loading....

I have moved the track to give more space between the tracks so it's not squeezed in.....

I now need to add an extra isolating section so I can use this track to store the main line loco before it returns to St Blazey with it's loaded wagons .....


I had hoped to get more done but SWMBO had other ideas.....


Maybe get an hour in tomorrow before work....We'll see....


Cheers Bill


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Progress on the class 08 which is now all but finished....

Rear steps to find & fit,one of the handrails on the front steps to glue straight...

A bit more weathering...(I've got no black paint !!!!!)

The buffer shanks should be black....


I made up the cab handrails for which there were holes in the body but must have got lost over time....

It was renumbered using Fox transfers that I've had for a while.....

It is recommended that transfers require a gloss surface , but I've found that Fox transfers go on & stay on with a matt surface....

It could be that I've been lucky....But.....


This is the side that will normally be seen by the public.....






& the other side......






That's all for now,


Cheers Bill

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Got a bit more done today....


Finally decided on where the platform will be so trimmed it & gave it a coat of primer.....


Also made up a buffer stop for the end of the platform road ....

It has working red lights.....Well it did before I sprayed it with primer so hopefully still has......


Hopefully get a pic or two tomorrow.....


Also decided how the station approach & backscene will look......


Got some holiday next week so if the weather is bad hopefully make some progress on hacking the baseboard about to get that done......


Cheers Bill

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