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Gave the buffer stops & platform a coat of primer & placed them in position.......


Am happy with the result.....






I have since given the buffers a coat of 'rust' & now need to paint the beam red......

I shall probably have to spray it to get a good light even colouring......


A few days off now but as the weather looks good too many outdoor jobs to do so may not get much done.....


Cheers Bill


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Well the weather has been so good that outdoor jobs have taken priority.....


However I have given the buffers at the end of the platform a coat of paint & temporarily wired them in to check the LED's work.....

They do so now the buffers are glued in place.....








The actual one at the platform at Gunnislake is different......




But I don't know if they were painted like this in the'90's........


Scoobyra of this parish has recently added a couple of pics of one currently at Swindon which is similar to the one I've made.....

I've tried to provide a link with no success so it's on his superb thread  Oak Road pg 42 post no 1026.....

So as they are currently painted like this,although in a bay platform,I'll  go with it....


The weather looks set fair for a while & Creedyford is out on Nov 4th at the Cornwall O gauge show in Redruth so I shan't get much more done to Hendra for a couple of weeks at the earliest......


Thanks for looking....


Cheers Bill

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  • 3 weeks later...



Due to Creedyford being out & about & the good weather I was tied up with getting other jobs done so little time for Hendra......


However at the Bodmin show a couple of weekends ago I saw this......


The unit is too modern but the hopper trailer though not right will do for the time being....

I had planned to scratch build a body & chop up a chassis......




A bit of elbow grease later.....




Next step was to dismantle it....




And give it a coat of primer....




A quick spray of the various parts & reassemble....






Needs a good weathering job to tone down the bodywork silver colour but should look good I think.....


The layout is now on edge so that I can wire in the 12volt uncontrolled power supply for the buffer stop lights & any other features I may add....

Hopefully now I shall be able to spend more time on it so progress should speed up.....


Cheers Bill

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Glad the weekend went OK Bill.


For my part I finally found this topic last week (don't know how I'd missed it), and have now caught up.


I'm liking what I see, again, and you may now press on as hard as you like, now I only have to keep up.


All the best

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Had a bit of time yesterday so got the chainsaw out.....

Actually the jigsaw.....


Had a hack on the bridge end board to cut away the baseboard to start forming the road that will go under where the low road overbridge has been demolished......


Because of the lack of contrast in the ply colour it is only visible from the back & above.....








Nowhere near finished yet but hopefully gives an idea of the effect that I'm after.....


The side nearest the camera will hold the backscene & will have a roadway & houses....

I can't yet decide on a row of Cornish workmens cottages or some surburban bungalows....


Time will tell....


Cheers Bill

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Been playing around with the platform yesterday & today evenings......


The construction is different for me this time......

An offcut of 18mm WBP ply cut to shape & as can be seen in some of the above pics sprayed with grey primer....


I usually make up a card edge to represent the edging slabs & cover the rest of the surface with fine grade sand paper to represent tarmac....


This time I've cut some strips of plasticard paving slabs with a strip of plastic strip to give the impression of the thickness of the slab on the overhang.....

I have ordered some brick block paving plasticard to do the surface so will add when here......

I've glued the edge down with Super Phatic....A first so we'll see how it goes....


We'll see tomorrow....


Cheers Bill

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  • 2 weeks later...



No real progress on the platform as the sheets I ordered for the surface haven't yet turned up......

Did the sides & the platform flagstone edge but that's all.....


Made a start on the bridge abutments cutting the 'formers' out of fluted plastic sheet......


These will need cladding in stone sheet & bedding in after painting......


Bought a Knightwing Portacabin kit & put it together loosely to see if it will look right as site offices....

It's the two storey version but don't know whether to have two separate offices or as the kit is intended....

Also been looking out for potential backscene photo's sites.......


Busy but not much progress....

Too many other things happening at present.....


Well haopefully get an hour or so each evening & progress will be made....


Cheers Bill

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  • 2 weeks later...



Well done a few bits to the layout over the last few days....


The Portacabin has been made up & started to be painted....

Although I made up the stairs to make it into a double storey unit I think I shall just have two single units.....


Put down the concrete for the fuelling point....

put rather more than I meant to.....


Also put some plaster down for the embankment & rested the bridge piers in place to see how they'd look......


Some rather poor snaps.....


Single storey...






Double storey




I think single looks better...The steps although wonky could be sorted but I just think single looks better......


The the embankment & bridge.....






Unfortunately when trimming the cork trackbed I damaged the top light on the buffer stop & it no longer works....I wasn't completely happy with it as the lights were too far apart....

Unfortunately although I tried to make another one I over filed the first two LED's then one of my final two now doesn't work when soldered in place....

So more LED's on order.....


Hopefully I'll be able to start moving on now so long as we get some bad weather....


Cheers Bill



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  • 2 weeks later...



A bit of slow progress....


Made the loading platform for the linhay over the past few days....

Gave it spray of primer today....

Gave myself a fright as in my haste to dry the paint I put it over the rayburn......

Just proved again that different materials expand different amounts......

Fortunately after gentle cooling it no longer resembles a banana....


First a pic showing the 'construction,




The top is an offcut of 6mm ply glued (the blue colour)to an offcut of 16m plastic fascia.....

By pure fluke both were exactly the right width to fit without having to cut lenghtwise......


The top was then covered with 120 grit sandpaper to represent a concrete surface......

The block walling was clad in 2mm paving slab plasticard as they don't seem to do a block version & the Wills one would have been a pain to fit over such a long run......


I then fabricated the barriers from evergreen strip styrene 'H' & 'C' section with a strip of flat to cover the join in the walling.....

This will coincide with the door openings.....








I've got a couple of days off over Christmas but SWMBO isn't well so my modelling time might be limited......

Still at least I don't have to get up at 4.30 AM to go to work!!!!!


Cheers Bill

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Seems like an early Xmas present to me (having stuff the right length already to hand). Why don't

I get luck like that.


Never mind you just have to remind yourself that slow progress, is at least progress. A thought I have

consoled mysel with for most of this year. And now some progress has been made, I just have to find

the time to :

     1) Update the (Huckford Road) topic

and 2) Do the necessary DIY to grandsons wardrobe, for it to fit. (And to pass No2 Daughters inspection).


Never mind New Year coming


So All the best for Christmas Bill, and thanks for your support.

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Seems like an early Xmas present to me (having stuff the right length already to hand). Why don't

I get luck like that.


Never mind you just have to remind yourself that slow progress, is at least progress. A thought I have

consoled mysel with for most of this year. And now some progress has been made, I just have to find

the time to :

     1) Update the (Huckford Road) topic

and 2) Do the necessary DIY to grandsons wardrobe, for it to fit. (And to pass No2 Daughters inspection).


Never mind New Year coming


So All the best for Christmas Bill, and thanks for your support.

Hi Tony


Thanks for the above.......


I agree with you that progress,however slow is progress......

I am determined to ENJOY building this layout.....

So if it's slow... It's slow......


At the end of the day as you have found ones nearest & dearest's health needs are more important than model railways......


I look forward to following your progress with both Huckford Rd & Helstonish in the near future......


Good luck with Daughter no 2's inspection....I'm sure you'll pass with flying colours.....


Seasons greetings to you & may the new year bring both health & happiness to you & yours...


Cheers Bill

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As an aside this is the sort of effect I'm after....




Although not a rail served loading platform it is similar enough for me....


The picture below shows the rail served loading bays....

The first picture shows the end of this building so is at right angles to the railway.




Getting the weathering right will be fun....


Cheers Bill

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Hi Stephen


Thanks for the above comment....Much appreciated....


If possible I always try to use a photo as a guide......


The first 'job' was to lightly spray track dirt or similar over the places where road dirt would have accumulated.....

This is not an all over coat as certain parts of the wagon would be dirtier than others due to the natural flow of air as the wagon moved...

For this I use enamel paint...Railmatch , precision or similar....

When completely dry (next day) I use acrylics to add the splodges of spilt china clay which when it gets wet naturally follows gravity downwards....

For this I put a blob of paint on the wagon & brush downwards using a mix of hard bristled flat brushes & largish soft bristled......

For this the paint is normally slightly thinned....

The same technique is used for any rust streaks........

The advantage of acrylic paint is that it can be overpainted quite quickly after applying so layers can be built up to thicken the stain as required......


The best thing is to try it out on a scrap of painted plastic or an old wagon & keep trying until you're happy with the result.....


Hope the above is of use.....

Any further questions please ask....


Cheers Bill

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A bit more progress over the last day or two.....


I've built a waiting shelter for the platform inspired by the one at Gunnislake......

It has now been masked primed & painted since these pics taken......

It's now drying so hopefully the paint has stayed where it should be......






On reflection I should have made it a bit taller as a Bachmann workman's head is level with the top of the opening......

May make some 'feet' for the supports.....

I shall wait 'till I see what it looks like first.....


Tomorrow I hopefully will remove the masking tape & see what it looks like......


I also made up a noticeboard for time tables/information etc.

This is still in primer.....






Not quite sure what colour to paint it....

The same applied to the shelter which in the end I plumped for Rail Blue......

So will probably do the same for the posts with the notice board faces clad in posters etc......

Unfortunately the viewing side will show the back of the boards !!!!!


Well that's all for now


Cheers Bill

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Finished off the waiting shelter & the notice board last night & today.....




Although the shelter came out quite well as you can see when a Bachmann figure is leant up against it it isn't quite tall enough...

The solution was to make a plinth for it to sit on....Much better I think....

Also the finished notice board both fitted to the platform....






Unfortunately the view from the front is more like this.....




Below is a picture of Gunnislake Waiting shelter & notice board which was the inspiration for the ones built....

It is taken from the internet 'The Callington branch...Stations & sidings'

The picture is at the bottom of the feature & I believe was taken by Mike Dunse in 2007 according to the credits ....

I tried to add it as a link but it came across complete....Click on it & it enlarges......




Back to work tomorrow so might not get much done for a day or two....


Cheers Bill

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That's looking good Bill.

I had thought you would extended the legs so you have the gap under the glass.

Hi Ray


That's what I should have done to be prototypical......

Unfortunately I forgot to make the legs longer when I was cutting the strip....

I then hoped I'd get away with it ...But didn't......

So in the end to make sure the structure was strong enough I figured the plinth was the best option....

I wasn't sure how good I'd be at cutting 6 identical legs & lining them up to get a good fix to the platform.....


Anyway it's done now....


Cheers Bill

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  • 3 months later...

This is looking really good, Bill. Definitely think you're going in the right direction, the overall scale of the works feels right. Since you asked for constructive criticism there's a couple of things I've noticed:


First, no idea if it's too late to be bringing this up, but the roof on your clay store looks a little too steeply pitched. If you can alter it, I'd recommend 1 foot rise for every 2 foot run. For future reference, I like to use 1 in 1 and a half for pre-1930s buildings, 1 in 1 and two thirds for post 1930s to mid 50s, and 1 in 2 or slightly shallower for everything after that. That's based on an average of the many real life buildings that I've measured and it seems pretty consistent across the board.

Second, you may already know this, but your fuel tank needs to be bunded. In case you (or others) don't know a bunding is a low wall surrounding the tank on all sides, and the area within the walls should be enough to contain 110% of the contents of the tank. This is a regulatory requirement that dates to I think around the 1950s, so for any time period later than that fuel tanks should have one.

That's all for now. Looking forward to seeing this one develop further.

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7 hours ago, Stoker said:

This is looking really good, Bill. Definitely think you're going in the right direction, the overall scale of the works feels right. Since you asked for constructive criticism there's a couple of things I've noticed:


First, no idea if it's too late to be bringing this up, but the roof on your clay store looks a little too steeply pitched. If you can alter it, I'd recommend 1 foot rise for every 2 foot run. For future reference, I like to use 1 in 1 and a half for pre-1930s buildings, 1 in 1 and two thirds for post 1930s to mid 50s, and 1 in 2 or slightly shallower for everything after that. That's based on an average of the many real life buildings that I've measured and it seems pretty consistent across the board.

Second, you may already know this, but your fuel tank needs to be bunded. In case you (or others) don't know a bunding is a low wall surrounding the tank on all sides, and the area within the walls should be enough to contain 110% of the contents of the tank. This is a regulatory requirement that dates to I think around the 1950s, so for any time period later than that fuel tanks should have one.

That's all for now. Looking forward to seeing this one develop further.

Hi Stoker


Thanks for the above useful information.....

All criticism/comments are welcome either positive or negative especially by someone with your industry knowledge.....


As regards the roof it is possible but part of the reason it is the slope it is (35deg or 1:1.5 is to allow good access to the traverser that it hides......

Also I accidentaly made it with two different pitches....The rear one is about 25deg...1:2 and a tad....near to where it should be!!!!!

When making the roof although I had pictures of Burngullow I didn't have any of the gable end so used this as a guide....




Which is approx 35deg....Hence my estimation of the angle......


As regards the fuel tank I have made a bund wall....

Not sure if the volume it would contain is big enough but I think it looks OK so rule 1 applies.....

There is a poor pic of it in an earlier post but I will try to add a better one.....


As regards bunding....

I wasn't sure how the slurry tanks would be protected should they leak so I have a wall round them but nowhere near enough storage to catch the volume of liquid should it be necessary......


Thank you for your interest & useful input....

Any more please feel free to add.....


Thanks again


Cheers Bill



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1 hour ago, treggyman said:

As regards bunding....

I wasn't sure how the slurry tanks would be protected should they leak so I have a wall round them but nowhere near enough storage to catch the volume of liquid should it be necessary......


Thank you for your interest & useful input....

Any more please feel free to add.....


Thanks again


Cheers Bill



Slurry tanks don't have to be bunded because kaolin is inert. What the sites are required to do though is to have a site effluent system which traps surface drainage and brings it to a settling tank before it's discharged. The effluent from that is required to be periodically tested, and they will sometimes add sodium carbonate to balance out the pH. I've attached a photo I took of Blackpool slurry tanks while the site was still active that shows them just sitting on a raised foundation without any bunding.

Slurry plant sites also have large acid storage tanks, and these do have a low wall around them, but since they are sited within an area that has an effluent system, they do not have the same 110% requirement. Instead the wall is there as part of the overfill protection system, and the area inside the wall is drained immediately to the catchment tank where it can be chemically neutralized or pumped out. If you're interested in reading more about these procedures, Imerys were recently fined for failing to follow them, and there's a lot of detail in this article about the incident: http://watery-news.co.uk/imerys-minerals-fined-100000-hazardous-chemicals-enter-st-austell-river/

Fuel tanks however must always have a 110% bund regardless of the drainage system where they are sited, because it is a flammable liquid. This bund must also drain to it's own separate holding tank, usually a below ground cistern, which allows rainwater to escape the bund. That has to be tested prior to each flush.

In the case of Blackpool, they had an onsite laboratory block where all of this testing was done, as well as product testing for QC and spec control. Perhaps another structure you could add to the scene?


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I forgot to mention, regarding Kernick clay store I actually took measurements of that particular building and used those to build a 3D model as a reference for future projects. It does indeed have a roof pitch of 35 degrees or 1 in 1 and a half.


Edited by Stoker
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Hi Stoker


Thanks indeed for the above posts....

Most informative & useful....


As regards the Laboratory at Blackpool I suppose it would have been a modern style building built of concrete blocks or similar with either corrugated sheet or slate as a roofing material......

Any pictures......Always glad of accurate reference pictures as I have no access except from trains or public roads/footpaths etc.....


I have made a building to attach to the end of the main building which was meant to be a control room / office so maybe that will suffice though I do have a spare portacabin that could be used......


Thanks again for the info....


Cheers Bill

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I've been meaning to get round to an update as there has been a bit of progress......


Unfortunately life has taken over recently with the threat of redundancy hanging over my head for the last 10 weeks or so (which will be resolved in the next couple of weeks I hope) & my wife had a major operation 3 weeks ago so at present I am a 24/7 carer with little modelling Mojo or time......


However Creedyford will be out at the Helston show in a fortnight & then I must get on with Hendra as it is due to debut at the Hayle show in August.....

Penhallick Junction is out at the end of May also at Hayle so a busy time is approaching......


I shall try to update in the next day or two with a few more pics....


Cheers Bill

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