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Blog- LUGSDALE Road (LMS) - How to add movement to N gauge streets

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Well spare time to actually do anything lately has been in incredibly short supply, and progress on any projects has almost stopped.


With my recent lack of attendance lately I reckon the chaps at the Warrington Model Railway club must think I have given up on model railways and taken up a another hobby.


Anyway on the weekend the postman delivered a little parcel from Japan that included a Kato 4 wheel chassis, which I tracked down via Evil Bay and being a technological God, managed to order and pay for it without getting into a bit of a mess like when I tried ordering the weekly shop. Remember the Courgette shortage that was all over the news a while back, well err it had nothing to do with me..........


My idea for Lugsdale road was to add a little movement to the street scene, and considered moving vehicles like Buses and Vans and the like, so being the sensible modeller that I am, I did a little research by reading one of my books on Trams. That's when the obvious hit me, N gauge road vehicles are tiny :)

So until I can figure out a solution to the problem, I think I might see what I can do with a Kato chassis and one of those Matchbox Tetley tea trams I seem to have amassed (I know the chassis is a 4 wheel job and the Tram is supposed to be bogeyed, the Domestic Overlord said not with Snot :().

So all I have to do now is find away of getting some time to work on combining the two items to create a hybrid working tram, while I give some serious thought to how I can actually add movement to the streets of Lugsdale road, I'm sure the solution will become apparent eventually.


As ever, until the next time Happy Modelling :)

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