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Dear Stock,


http://www.rrpicturearchives.net/ is confirmed up and working for me here in Sydney Aust 21:15 AEDT 19/02/2018 


I'd also reccommend keeping the following in your Google-toolbox....






Useful tools when you're just not sure if a website's having a problem, or "it's just your machine"... ;-)


Happy Modelling,
Aim to Improve,
Prof Klyzlr

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Dear Stock,


The reality is that most any "free" online content
(and equally any "for-pay" content, come to that),


is fair-game to disappear offline at any time,
(even, dare I say it, RMWeb),

which is why:

- If I see something important in my online wandering, "Right-click > Print to PDF" and "Right-click > Save Image As..." are probably my most-used online commands
("Right-click > Copy URL" for pasting into a run-time version of "YouTube Downloader - Portable" comes a close second...)


- the WayBack Machine http://archive.org/web/ is right there on my "Bookmarks" toolbar...
(In case you forgot to "Right-click > do whatever..." the first time you saw it,
it doesn't capture absolutely everything but it's saved-my-life more times than I care to admit...)


If it truly matters (whatever "it" is),
Backup, Backup, and Backup again...
(Not just a cool IT thing to say, but words-to-live-by...)


Happy Modelling,
Aim to Improve,
Prof Klyzlr

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I've found the site very slow to load just recently particularly after the US goes online from about 3pm UK time! Flickr also seems to suffer this problem, note my son may also be responsible for sucking all the internettyness from the modem. Internettyness is proper term found in the Microsoft Thesaurus.

Edited by w124bob
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