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Blog- Pen y Coed - Metcalfe Stone Station - lighting

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My Metcalfe stone station is approaching completion. After building the shell I decided that I wanted to fit it and light it, so that's been the last couple of months.

So it went from this:



...to this:




The lighting is Gaugemaster external lamps (GM854 Barley Twist Gas Lamp GWR Stone value pack), and internally DCC Concepts LEDs (proto white colour 3mm LEDs). The internal LEDs have 1kohm resistors in series, the externals are straight through, no resistors needed on the low voltage supply I am using (in fact the externals would not even 'start' with a 1kohm resistor, I assume it was dropping the voltage below start V for the LEDs). End result I am very happy with, I don't think it's too bright though. I need to refit the roof and seal some light gaps and the station can be properly installed.





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