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Annie's Virtual Pre-Grouping, Grouping and BR Layouts & Workbench

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35 degrees C was the running temperature of my graphics card Malcolm.  I think the temperature outside was just under 30 degrees.  Anything over 20 degrees I don't like because it makes me more sleepy.  For me 40 degrees would be a nightmare out of hell.

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In Melbourne we usually get a few hot days in the lead up to January. But late January and February are our hottest times. In the past ten years with global warming we've been getting more 40+ days in that period than we used to. The rest of the week is going be very low 20s which I can live with.


In the 1990s I was doing archaeological survey work in north west Queensland up near the Gulf of Carpentaria and I became acclimatised to climatic extremes - towards the onset of the wet season the combination of high humidity and high temperatures around 40c were the norm and as I had to work outside in it I had no choice. At night it never dropped out of the 30s. I remember after one trip when I came back to Melbourne we were having a hot spell in the mid 30s and after the weather in NW Qld. it felt perfectly balmy. 


However these days I just work on the principle of avoiding strenuous activities and staying inside. Still the cool change rolled through today as predicted and it's dropped back to around 17c - not bad 38c to 17c in a flash, you have to be adaptable to live in Melbourne. :D

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Australia definitely wouldn't suit me then.  Here in the Waikato the climate suits me most of the time except during Summer.  Over this coming week the Met service people are predicting cooler weather with rain later on in the week.  A day with grey skies and rain suits me perfectly so I guess I'm a bit unusual in that regard since most people hope for fine weather over Summer.

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13 hours ago, Annie said:

35 degrees C was the running temperature of my graphics card Malcolm.  I think the temperature outside was just under 30 degrees.  Anything over 20 degrees I don't like because it makes me more sleepy.  For me 40 degrees would be a nightmare out of hell.

35C is cool for a graphics card, at least in my experience. My NVIDIA GeForce RTX 2070 often touches 50C but seems quite happy running at those temps.

Back in my day of MSTS around 2000-2005-ish when everyone was learning at once, one of the problems was inefficient 3D models that either used too many textures, texture sheets of too big a size, over "busy" texturing, wrong alpha channels and no LODs, among many other things. There were some awful howlers built by people who until recently were rail fans or railway modellers and suddenly were launched into the world of 3D CAD, digital texturing and all of that. Some models were incredibly inefficient but over time people worked out the better methods and better models came along. This was back in the day when people commonly ran MSTS on an IBM PCIII 600 and locomotive models had to be kept under about 2500 polys which today, in terms of quality or crudeness could be suggested by a comparison of a 1960s Tri-Ang loco to a contemporary model from Rapido.

I'm hoping, approaching 20 years later, that many independent and payware modellers in the trainsim world now build far more efficient models, though of course while we had to put up with fairly crude graphics in 2000, today rolling stock and buildings, etc are of a much higher poly count, so today's extremely powerful graphics cards and multi-core CPUs still have to work hard, it seems.

Annie - you still seem to encounter some models that are either poorly built, textured or just odd so I suppose there are always going to be new people entering the hobby and stumbling their way through the same minefield of how-to and how-not-to do things that everyone has to.

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In some cases Martin I have to put up with older models that could be better simply because there is nothing else around.  Many models I run were made back in TS2004 or TS2006 days and because they are of prototypes that didn't fit into the usual stream of mainstream interest they never were updated or improved on.  In most cases they are models made by Trainz folk who have moved onto other interests from Trainz or are now interested in different areas of digital railway modelling altogether, - or perhaps have even died and left the planet entirely, - so the models remain as they are and I try to make the best of them.


I forget how many digital models have been made of Gresley Pacifics since the dawn of Trainz and yet it can be quite difficult to find a decent 0-6-0 tank engine of any description.  Modelling the pre-grouping era is much better than it was thanks to the efforts of a very small number of talented digital modelers, but there are still gaps with some railway companies not represented at all.  The latest models are very very good, but there are still a lot of older models around that are pretty marginal.  Smoke and mirrors clever re-texturing can only disguise some of the faults and not all of them, but I try my best with what there is available.


My graphics card is staying nice and chill.  One thing about my old monster of a computer is that the cooling is really good with cooling fans on everything including the RAM modules.

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Annie, I'm sure I'm not alone in saying that you and your fellow New Zealanders are in my thoughts and prayers as you come to terms with the tragedy surrounding the volcano eruption.



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Thanks Jim.  White Island is considered to be our most active volcano and as a rule it's closely monitored as to its activity.  If there had been any sign that an eruption was imminent nobody would have been allowed anywhere near it, - so whatever happened it must've been pretty sudden and didn't show up on the monitoring instruments until it was too late.  The last eruption was in 2013 which wasn't all that long ago.  Speaking for myself I wouldn't go anywhere near the island even if I was paid to since it has a reputation for going bang without warning and hopefully whoever is issuing licences to tourist boat operators to go there will have a good long hard think about whether to pull the plug on such visits in the future.

Here in the Waikato I'm well away from White Island so I'm not in any danger, but there's been warnings issued along the coast on the Bay of Plenty to take precautions against volcanic ash blowing across from the island.




The latest word from the scientists monitoring the island was that the eruption was virtually instantaneous due to an explosion of superheated steam and there wasn't any prior warning.

5 dead, 8 missing and 31 in hospital is what the emergency services and police are telling us at the moment.  Most of the injuries sustained have been described as 'horrific' and some of the injured were so badly burned it's not likely that they will survive.


Police and NZ Defense Force teams don't know when they'll be able to get onto the island yet to do a search since the island is still showing signs of activity.


Yes it's a bloody awful situation alright.

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Ah sigh.  Back to the trainset where there's no upsetting news to make me feel sad.


I've been rebuilding the line to Moxbury since the knot of junction connections with the various lines involved was just too downright implausible even for me.  Track inspection is of course very important after a major realignment has been done......



Don't worry our brave inspector did make it all the way to Moxbury.  That great hope of the Barrowhills & Foxhollow Extension Railway before it went into bankruptcy due to lavish overspending .



Edited by Annie
can't spell for toffee
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9 hours ago, Annie said:

Ah sigh.  Back to the trainset where there's no upsetting news to make me feel sad.


I've been rebuilding the line to Moxbury since the knot of junction connections with the various lines involved was just too downright implausible even for me.  Track inspection is of course very important after a major realignment has been done......


Now there's a modelling challenge - where to put the motor in one of those :)

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I fell asleep for about 6 hours with my trainset running without meaning to and the automatic timetable ran by itself for an entire Trainz world day.  Things had become snarled up at one particular major junction, but that it basically took most of the 'day' for that to happen told me that I hadn't done so badly with setting it all up.

Normally if there's a problem with the timetable I play signalwoman for a bit and get things moving again, but as a rule I don't have to do that too often.



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Some snaps from the new revitalised and realigned Moxbury section.


Muddle.  At one time it was Muddle Junction, but it's not now.  The signal box name board still says 'Muddle jtn', but that's because some lazy bones hasn't got around to changing it yet.



Muddle now has another platform and the platform buildings by the Generic Railway Building Co. have been replaced.  Muddle's only real claim to fame is that it's where the double track line from Moxbury merges into a single track.



But it does have a very nice tearooms.



A snap taken under the station over roof at Moxbury.



The street entrance at Moxbury station.  Building the station at Moxbury is what brought about the economic collapse of the B&FER.  Their accountants advised a small temporary wooden building, but the B&FER board said, 'No, we want to impress everyone.' ........ And they certainly did that down at the Bankruptcy Court.



The station at Little Keldon.  Little Keldon isn't really a part of the Moxbury section, but it lives on the same set of layout boards.  It's now connected up with a different line of railway than it was before which can be very confusing for  railway station.




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Not doing any new layout building at the moment and I'm just enjoying playing trains on my GER & etc layout.

I took some snaps, but messed up a few because my brain kept going off line due to being sleepy.  I'm happy with these ones though.


MS&LR 9F and train leaving Moxbury and heading west.  I have black liveried 'GREAT CENTRAL' 9F's as well, but where's the fun in that.



That signal needs fixing and would be one of the last on the layout showing the yellow.



After a longish pause while the track realignment work was being done single driver tank engine No.5 is working trains eastward from Moxbury again.  No.5 is a Moxbury engine while her two sister engines Nos.7&8 are shedded at Great Marsh on the Windweather Loop Line.



Approaching the station at Lodge.



Exchanging the tablet at Lodge station.



And then to ruin my carefully staged snap B&FER No.10 comes steaming in laughing, 'Ha ha, you forgot about me didn't you!'


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'Yes Mam, - I came as quick as I could Mam.'


'We need an inspiring picture to post in this thread.  Something uplifting to inspire the members of the parish and take their minds off the horrors of the world.  Have a search in the archives and see what you can find.'


'Yes Mam.'


'One of those pre-Raphaelite things they like.' 


(Sound of much rustling of papers and moving heavy objects)




'We don't seem to have any Mam.'


'And why ever not?'


'I don't think it is your particular sphere of interest Mam.'


'Remind me why I employed you Dodkin.'


'I believe it was because you felt sorry for me Mam.'


'Hum.  Make sure to remind me to be more circumspect when next I seek to employ new staff.'


'Yes of course Mam.'


'So what do I have in the archives Dodkin?'


'There seems to be a large quantity of Steampunk and Victorian Science Fiction images Mam.'


'Hmmm.  What do you recommend Dodkin? - something uplifting mind you.'


'I would suggest this one Mam.'


'Oh very good, perhaps I shall keep you on afterall Dodkin.'


'Thank you kindly Mam.'



Edited by Annie
fumble brain
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32 minutes ago, Compound2632 said:

You did take up Dodkin's references, didn't you?

With them being written on the back of old envelopes in pencil and signed (apparently) by the Emperor of Prussia I felt I should at least give the poor chap a chance if for no better reason than his optimistic audacity.

He does make a good pot of tea though.

Edited by Annie
fumble brain
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GCR 9J No.1006 heads north away from Bluebell Woods with the once daily semi-fitted goods train.  Or that's what is supposed to happen, but sometimes I forget since I'm supposed to start it on its way in the clear spot in the timetable before the 10.45am stopping passenger train arrives at Bluebell Woods.








GCR 9J's are actually a but of a problem for me since they won't fit on the turntable at Elgar Junction MPD.  In the picture it looks like No.216 just fits, but rotating the turntable will either derail the engine or the tender.

A larger turntable won't fit in the same place unless I completely realign and rebuild the trackwork in the yard at Elgar Junction.  The same turntable is used at the GER & etc MPDs on the layout, but the largest engine that they have to handle is a Y14 which fits fine.






(Confession time) I own nine GCR class 9J's.  Cameron Scott, proprietor of Darlington Works, sells a GCR goods engine pack and the webpage lists classes, 8A,8G,8K,9F,9J.  The price seemed reasonable as the quality of Cameron's work is really good.  So I purchased them and discovered that I was now the owner of a great many locomotives since each class came in eight or nine different number variations except for the 9F's since Cameron couldn't find enough photographic evidence to make any more than three of the class with enough accuracy with regard to their individual details.  (I haven't counted in the 9F I own in MS&LR livery or the one in WM&CQR livery.)

I already owned four GCR class 1Bs and four GCR class E8s, - and then there's the D11s and the 8Fs and the almost an 11A, - so I'm beginning to wonder if I have an obsessive  problem with acquiring  GCR engines.


But back to my GER & etc layout and its inexplicable GCR-GER joint line that runs through the middle of it.  The likelihood of me tearing up the yard at Elgar Junction is very small so for the meantime at least only GCR E8s and 9Fs will be assigned to the MPD and NO tender engines.  GER Y14s are sometimes shedded there too, but they aren't a problem.  I prefer running tank engines anyway and the 9Fs can handle the traffic just fine.  Though it would be very nice to be able to run a class 9J from time to time.



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Book Corner.




An interesting little book that I picked up very cheaply.  As it says on the cover it's a compilation of period postcards and the range of images covers a variety of subjects.  The one caveat I would make is that some of the postcards reproduced can't have been in especially good condition, but that aside it's a nice little book that  gives a useful snapshot of the M&GNR  as well as a goodly amount of the details of ordinary life along the railway.

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5 hours ago, Annie said:

Book Corner.




An interesting little book that I picked up very cheaply.  As it says on the cover it's a compilation of period postcards and the range of images covers a variety of subjects.  The one caveat I would make is that some of the postcards reproduced can't have been in especially good condition, but that aside it's a nice little book that  gives a useful snapshot of the M&GNR  as well as a goodly amount of the details of ordinary life along the railway.

I also have a copy of that book. It's an excellent piece of reference material and I'm currently trying to obtain the others in the series.

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7 hours ago, Annie said:

Book Corner.




An interesting little book that I picked up very cheaply.  As it says on the cover it's a compilation of period postcards and the range of images covers a variety of subjects.  The one caveat I would make is that some of the postcards reproduced can't have been in especially good condition, but that aside it's a nice little book that  gives a useful snapshot of the M&GNR  as well as a goodly amount of the details of ordinary life along the railway.


Ah, must get that.  I have the GER volume only.

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On 11/12/2019 at 20:28, Annie said:



'Yes Mam, - I came as quick as I could Mam.'


'We need an inspiring picture to post in this thread.  Something uplifting to inspire the members of the parish and take their minds off the horrors of the world.  Have a search in the archives and see what you can find.'


'Yes Mam.'


'One of those pre-Raphaelite things they like.' 


(Sound of much rustling of papers and moving heavy objects)




'We don't seem to have any Mam.'


'And why ever not?'


'I don't think it is your particular sphere of interest Mam.'


'Remind me why I employed you Dodkin.'


'I believe it was because you felt sorry for me Mam.'


'Hum.  Make sure to remind me to be more circumspect when next I seek to employ new staff.'


'Yes of course Mam.'


'So what do I have in the archives Dodkin?'


'There seems to be a large quantity of Steampunk and Victorian Science Fiction images Mam.'


'Hmmm.  What do you recommend Dodkin? - something uplifting mind you.'


'I would suggest this one Mam.'


'Oh very good, perhaps I shall keep you on afterall Dodkin.'


'Thank you kindly Mam.'




I'm in love!

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