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Annie last won the day on July 27 2020

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  • Location
    New Zealand
  • Interests
    16mm and 1/16th scale narrow gauge. 7mm coarse scale 'O' gauge. Live steam. Steam monorails. 1920s cyclecars. Vintage bicycles. Definitely not diesels (dismals).

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  1. Somehow I managed to misplace my mid 19th century carriage collection. Fortunately I still had the original files from when I purchased them still archived away. They still need a little fettling here and there, but not so much as you'd notice. Most of them carry North British coats of arms since they were originally commissioned for a major layout project, but not all of them are of NBR or ECR origin. With the lack of period drawings whatever was available in 19th century reference books was pressed into service. That's how I ended up with a very useful NLR luggage van and some 19th century GNR and LNWR goods wagons. Oh and would you look at that!
  2. Absolutely delightful, - thanks for posting the link to this old amateur movie.
  3. I made use of those as well when I was still doing large scale modelling. Very useful and the price is definitely right. The line has certainly gone ahead since you last posted pictures of it.
  4. I took this snap while I was having a quick visit to my old Broad Gauge Cornwall Railway project. It's stashed away in an archive hard drive on my Win 11 computer and safe enough for now. I got myself into such a horrible muddle over this with scratching around doing research and mapping out where everything was supposed to go. I had to make do with using a fair few placeholder buildings as well, though Steve Flanders very kindly made a Brunel timber viaduct for me which was a big help.
  5. Getting there, - definitely getting there.
  6. You might have better luck if you used a graphics AI bot like SDXL rather than an AI chat thing. No luck sorry, - all it did was copy the poster with a considerable number of spelling mistakes.
  7. You could have fooled me Mike what with the number of ancient engine drawings you've dissected and evolved into 3D models. The early absorbed engines are a fascinating group so it was a real delight to find your blog entry this afternoon.
  8. Another GWR book I don't have yet dammit. And thanks for this photo Mike. By the look of that Tadpole 'A' it wasn't just old 6 wheel coaches that they were cutting down to make fast goods wagons. EDIT: From what I can see on the data sheets Mike kindly sent me there were only seven of these and they were built at Swindon in 1889.
  9. Well I'll eat my words, - there it is right at the edge of the damn photo. I don't have BGS DS 692 so I've never seen that article.
  10. I have amblyopia so my eyesight is rubbish, but I cant see that third wagon in the train as having 8 wheels.
  11. The large photo you posted is of a standard gauge 'Tadpole'. Nowhere have I seen any reference to a Broad Gauge 'Tadpole' that had 8 wheels. Now that I've said that I suppose someone will post an unmistakably clear photo of one. I would say that all doubt is now removed as to the identity of that limewashed wagon in the train. Nicely done Mike.
  12. 6 wheel open goods wagon to lot 182. 4 plank 6 Tons built 1878 using recycled carriage frames. The single side door is offset. I have the BG Society drawing and notes, but can't post them here sorry.
  13. The B&ER fish van I mentioned had nothing to do with Mr Northroader's photo. It was another topic entirely. With lime wash slapped all over it I would say that the mystery van is a cattle wagon. This is a B&ER one. MikeOxon has more about Broad Gauge cattle vans here https://www.rmweb.co.uk/blogs/entry/23198-broad-gauge-cattle-train/ Fast fish/fast goods 6w wagons came in a number of varieties. My ones have raised ends and aren't vacuum fitted. The design was perpetuated in the standard gauge error era ending with such designs as the standard gauge bogie 'tadpole' shown in your photo. As far as I'm aware there were no 8 wheel or bogie Broad Gauge fast goods wagons with or without accommodation for a guard.
  14. What the heck are those abominations! 😧😧😧
  15. Apparently the B&ER owned two fish vans and the latest Broad Gauge Society newsletter has a drawing obtained from a grounded body before it was destroyed in 1970s. My general dislike of the 1970s has now gone up a notch. I can't show you the drawing unfortunately because it is only for the eyes of the blessed elect (under society copyright). It doesn't look like it would be too difficult make one in Sketchup 8 though. My new book is delayed even though they said they had in stock when I ordered it. 😠
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