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Peckett 0-4-0 kit?


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Feels like a silly question but is anyone making a kit for a Peckett 0-4-0?

I’ve searched but not found anything; one company seems to make a whole bunch of 0-6-0s. I’ve found a Caledonian (Slaters), and on the GWR website an 0-4-0 by Eric Underhill which doesn’t seem to be available anymore.


A further question, can anyone recommend a seven plank wagon kit in brass?


Thanks in advance! :-)

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I have built the springside kit a pleasure to build. I had it running on our layout at the Bristol show. Its very heavy and will pull a lot. There was a fully etched kit from Agenoria models but they seam to have vanished.


As for for the 7 plank we do a resin and brass 7 plank. The wooden parts are cast in resin with all the metal part being etched in brass (Brakes/Strapping door hinges). We do 5 types: RCH/SECR/LBSCR/GNR side door only; RCH/SECR side and end door; HR loco coal side and end door; LYR loco coal side door and LYR mineral double end door no side doors. I don't know of any which are totally made from etched brass.



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 There was a fully etched kit from Agenoria models but they seam to have vanished.


Agenoria has given up on the 7mm market, focusing more on larger scales.  He still operates a facebook page however the website is now defunct.  He also has issues being contacted through facebook, so contacting is a little bit of a chore if you dont have the details already.  

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Agenoria has given up on the 7mm market, focusing more on larger scales.  He still operates a facebook page however the website is now defunct.  He also has issues being contacted through facebook, so contacting is a little bit of a chore if you dont have the details already.  

Mike is still around and grumpy about the modeling world ignoring his huge range on top of strangely conflicted FB views (why have a FB page if you hate being contacted). 


I think I'm correct in saying by his own admission, he sold 3 kits in his last year of 2015.


The tip from modelers on the Agenoria thread on this platform seems to be that kits not designed by him are pretty good but quality declined above, I think, around code 40 ish.


He might be persuaded to help, but the cost is high to my mind at almost 200 notes for a 0-4-0 with wheels/motor/gearbox on top.


Makes a Minerva Peckett look mandatory at little over half price RTR

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Here is one of my personalised Minerva Pecketts. I scratchbuilt the toolbox and made the lifting rings on the tanks from copper wire and scrap brass strip. My interest is declared below. 







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