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Cobalt IP digital and infrared detection

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I wonder whether anyone has any tips on using an IR detector to switch cobalt ip digital points? After doing extensive but no doubt misdirected googling and searching this forum I've just got confused.


I'm not interested in making one a la MERG. I've come across one at azatrax (DR2) which explicitly mentions the cobalt as appropriate. I can't work out if the IR-DOT from heathcotes is an acceptable (ie not from the US) alternative. Also the same with the blocksignalling range.


I suspect I'm missing something obvious but my electronics knowledge is below zero...

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Thanks RexAshton. I think the Blocksignalling route is a good one on the face of it: from what I can tell the BOD2-RLY would be the best choice. I shall give it a go.


Anyone with any other experience?

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  • 4 years later...

Hi Paul,


In a very strange coincidence, I have logged in in order to ask a question, to find your query here. Unfortunately, I can only say: I don't know yet! Since I posted, the original model has been taken apart, removed from loft, new shed acquired, and new model built (or more accurately, being built....!), which has led to a rather amusing reverse loop problem (which I am going to have to post about, for advice, hence the log in).


From what I can vaguely remember, it worked in principle - I basically wired it all up (the widget, power, point), and in principle it seemed to work. Never got round to actually putting on the track (as it were) before the big move unfortunately, so I can't say any more. Fortunately I may have some time over the next day or two so I shall endeavour to see if I can get it working again (I actually know what box it is in, and there'll definitely be a use for it on the new set) and get back to you.

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