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Blog- LUGSDALE Road (LMS) - A little more progress made - A Crimson Princess

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<p>I don't know how I managed to do it, but from out of the blue I found some modelling time today, so I decided to see if I could make a little more progress on the locomotives clogging up the WORKBENCH of DOOM.</p><p> </p><p>

Previously I had got the Princess to the stage, were I thought a coat of primer was needed to give her a little dignity at least. Today I got a little further, in the process of getting her ready to enter the fleet.</p><p> </p><p>

I managed to spray a nice coat of crimson onto her today and she is now at the stage where I can consider painting all her black bits, and she has a lot of them and that's before I even look t her tender. One I have done this I will mix up some of my favourite dirty black and apply it to her smokebox and cab roof, then I will be at the stage where I will consider starting to line her.<br /><br />I also spent a little time on her chassis, I am happy with the front bogie, all I have to do is finish its mounting, and the mounting for the chassis to the body, and then the trailing truck, and then the tender, this list is endless.</p><p> </p><p>

Flushed with my success of applying a coat of crimson and not getting any on me, my next two victims where lined up to get a coat of black, the first was the Duchess I have been working on. I was considering finishing her off in works grey, attached to a streamlined tender, but being more practical I thought I would paint her in wartime unlined black, this has nothing to do with avoiding lining her honest <img src='http://www.rmweb.co.uk/community/public/style_emoticons/default/smile.png'class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':)' /><br /> <br />The problem is I'm now thinking that maybe I really need another crimson locomotive so she may be re-sprayed but maybe I will change my mind again. The other loco to get a black coat was the 7F water heater variant I have been working on (I know she has a wonky handrail I will fix that).<br /><br />When I finally get time to finish her, that will make three Fowler 7F's in the collection, which I think is more than enough, plus there are other LMS 7F's to build so at least it will take my attention away from top link locomotives (if you consider a Princess to be one?).</p><p> </p><p>

So there you have it, three locomotives at the painting stage, there is still a lot of work to complete on them, but they are getting there, if it is a very slow process. Not quite at the stage of applying a top coat, a little more time was spent on my Prince of Wales tank, I have done a little work on the chassis, and lowered the body to a suitable level, and sort of finalised a method I'm happy with for her leading wheels, the trailing wheels are still to be worked on.<br /><br />This is where the problems start, this loco will be finished in red lined black livery, but the more I work on her the more I like the locomotive, which has got me thinking, what if I build another, but finish her in LNWR condition, what if I start a little pre-grouping collection, I know I said in the past I did not want to line another loco, but LNWR and MR locomotives I mean there cant be much lining on them can there?</p><p> </p><p>

So there you have the current state of play, if I ever get any more modelling time I may even make some more progress but for the moment this is how the WORKBENCH of DOOM looks.<br /><br />What could possibly go wrong, as ever until the next time Happy Modelling <img src='http://www.rmweb.co.uk/community/public/style_emoticons/default/smile.png'class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':)' /></p><div id='attach_wrap' class='rounded clearfix'>

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