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Blog- Mick Bonwick's Blog - A Land Rover Series 1 109". Introduction.

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Ever since failing my driving test for the second time, in a Land Rover in Cyprus (exotic lifestyle!), I have had a soft spot for the machines. When at Railex in 2017 I found an Oxford Diecast 1/43rd version and decided to use it for a minimum cost weathering exercise.


The idea was to spend as little as possible to weather this model, but end up with the wherewithal to continue weathering as many more models as possible with the materials purchased. My purchases were:


Testor's Dullcote - £5.50
AK Interactive Dark Earth pigment - £4.45
AMMO by Mig Tracks Wash - £4.00
Daler Rowney System 3 Filbert brush - £2.50
Daler Rowney System 3 Round brush - £2.50
Wickes white spirit - £2.50


I used some items already in the tool box, so haven't included them in the cost:


Cocktail sticks
Cotton buds


I didn't take step-by-step photographs of the process(es) at the time, but will endeavour to explain how each aspect of the model was done.


Here's the starting point:



Attached thumbnail(s)
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