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Theydon Bois Model Railway Exhibition 3 November


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Theydon Bois is currently suffering a blockage of unknown duration on the B172 (Coppice Row) following a ram raid on Tesco. A short section of Coppice Row in the centre of Theydon is closed, diversions have been signposted from the Abridge direction.


If you plan to come to what has been called “a small but friendly” exhibition, please allow a little extra time for the diversions and traffic disruption, but just to whet your appetite, we have twelve layouts ranging from Z through N, HO, OO, EM to G, five trade stands offering books, road and rail models, kits and kit-built, wagon loads, transport related toys, plus the Club's own pre-owned stall.

Refreshments are available, and parking is free.


Despite the possible travel difficulties, Epping Railway Circle looks forward to welcoming you on Saturday


John Woods

ERC Exhibition 2018.pdf

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Your poster views upside down.


Gordon A

Sorry about that, my first attempt at posting anything other than text !  I reduced the size and turned it the right way up, but too late found that the original version had loaded . . .


One day I'll catch up with technology



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