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Blog- Sandhills' Blog - OK darlings, something a little more arty !

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Popped out in the fine weather on Friday afternoon to a new location. Brookefield Farm Crossing is a cracking little spot where the photographer can get right up close to the action.


With fantastic light conditions, more detail added to the plank and the better camera at my disposal the results should have been stunning but to be honest I was a little disappointed.


I have found that sometimes too much sun shining directly onto the plank and having the camera too close to the subject can result in the crispness of the scenary & loco detail giving the game away and in this case that was all to apparent. As not to waste my efforts and put everything in the recycle bin I started to play around in PaintShop Pro and after various combinations of Median, Clarifying & Sharpness functions started to come up with images that were a cross between the usual stuff I produce and something a little more arty (warhol..ish if you like !).


By taking away the crispness and messing with the contrast & brightness to almost unrealistic proportions you end up with something quite pleasing when viewed at a distance that still comes over as quite convincing. A bit like looking at them through tinted beer goggles !!!!


The weekend has been lost (in modelling terms anyway) to a busy Saturday at work helping with the backlog and a family meal commitment today so starting my next little project and the ever increasing list of small jobs to do will have to wait. I need to give everything a good service and clean ready for a successful weekends running on Dudley Road at LYDCC next weekend and the Scalescene depot structure (for the next plank) I have downloaded from the website this morning is screaming to be printed off and constructed. More on that later though.................


Enjoy the pics, which I realise wont be to everyones taste, and expect another blog entry mid week ahead of our modelling weekend at LYDCC which we cant wait for !!


In need of a new home and re paint ex Freightliner class 57, 57011 keeps busy with local trip workings from Brooke Wharf whilst awaiting transfer to DRS and a bright future moving flasks about in Cumbria !





60006 approaches the Brookefield Farm crossing in full sun during a busy afternoon of ballast trains ahead of the weekends engineering work.




The glorious Sulzer sound echoes across Brookefield valley as the driver opens up 25095 at the bottom of Brookefield bank and the climb to Beeby Junction.





153333 forms the late running 1535 Brooke Town ??“ Billesdon passing 60006 as it creeps towards the junction signal which will take it across the down line and into the Brookestone exchange sidings.





2 more views of 57011 taken from the road over bridge.







Again creeping towards the junction signal just out of view, 56059 is captured from both the farm crossing gate and road bridge near Brookefield Farm.







Having made up time 153333 is captured on the Up side returning to Brooke Town with the busy Friday afternoon 1617 Billesdon ??“ Brooke Town ???stopper??™.




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