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Decent Radio Controlled boat on the market?


Ie not £500+ 


I am referring to this one 




I would have thought that there would be a market for some others, and I cant imagine that some of us on this forum would not fancy an hour or so by the pond.


I'm not sure what a suitable prototype might be, for modern vessels however a Cruise Company might be persuaded to back a model, or perhaps a Maersk container ship?


For a historic model, an Isles class trawler in Admiralty of Civilian guise isnt without its attractions.


While my preference would be for Manxman or Balmoral, might Hornby consider Maid of Kent or Southsea?

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I think the RC boat market has yet to really take the push to mostly ready made. RC cars can be driven almost anywhere, so a big market to merchandise.

RC planes, less space available but capable anywhere. Everyone knows planes.

Boats on the other hand, require large bodies of water. Plenty of regions dont have that great exposure to boats. Plus to use them you need a body of water clear and free.

So RC boating is this a niche market filled with mostly scratchbuilders or those willing to either spend stupid amounts of money or go very cheap as to ensure they never try it again.

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